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Valid tests are: %e TEST like exclude, but ignore unknown tests FILE read the filenames to be examined from FILE STRING use string as separator instead of `:' output MIME type strings (--mime-type and --mime-encoding) output the Apple CREATOR/TYPE output a slash-separated list of extensions output the MIME type output the MIME encoding don't stop at the first match list magic strength do not buffer output do not pad output terminate filenames with ASCII NUL preserve access times on files set file engine parameter limits %P don't translate unprintable chars to \ooo treat special (block/char devices) files as ordinary ones disable system call sandboxing compile file specified by -m print debugging messages Report bugs to https://bugs.astron.com/ bcCde:Ef:F:hiklLm:nNpP:rsSvzZ0Compiled magic version [%d] does not match with shared library magic version [%d] max ELF prog sections processedrecursion limit for indirectionlength limit for REGEX searches/dev/stdin%*s ERROR: %s%c%s: , (default)%.*s%s%s, %*s%9s %7zu %s (%s) Can't create magicCan't set %sPOSIXLY_CORRECT --help -%c, --version -%c, --magic-file -%c, --uncompress -%c, --uncompress-noreport -%c, --brief -%c, --checking-printout -%c, --exclude --exclude-quiet -%c, --files-from -%c, --separator -%c, --mime --apple --extension --mime-type --mime-encoding -%c, --keep-going -%c, --list -%c, --dereference follow symlinks -%c, --no-dereference don't follow symlinks -%c, --no-buffer -%c, --no-pad -%c, --print0 -%c, --preserve-date -%c, --parameter -%c, --raw -%c, --special-files -%c, --no-sandbox -%c, --compile -%c, --debug-Cannot open `%s'Unknown param %s5.39%s-%s magic file from %s bytesmax bytes to look inside fileelf_notesmax ELF notes processedelf_phnumelf_shnummax ELF sections processedindirnameuse limit for name/use magicregex:apptypeasciicdfcsvelfsofttarjsontexttokens O$ "Oxl_RH@(#)$File: file.c,v 1.187 2020/06/07 17:38:30 christos Exp $@(#)$File: seccomp.c,v 1.15 2020/05/30 23:56:26 christos Exp $;|P4P@ PXTzRx &D$4FJ w?:*3$"\ptH7AARHlBEB B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBA `BGE E(D0D8D@c 8C0A(B BBBB  8F0A(B BBBD @BJx\BBB B(I0D8DP' 8H0D(B BBBE ` 8F0A(B BBBE e8A0A(B BBB4t8BDA G   AABA (|BAI  DBG 0<BDA G  AABA pAG(dBDC p ABA Lz FIB B(F0A8Q 8A0A(B BBBA 3P3gZJhJvyJmJzJZJbJcJeJKf#KF6KiCKQKcKuKKkKlKLKhLn%LN5L0ELp\LPoLr|LsLSLCLdMMMJMMzK M@M M@MM >ggo J n(  ooH oo o<l0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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