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Unknown item name %s Supported types: %s Error reading PEM file asn1Can't find 'asn1' in '%s' '%s' is out of range Error parsing structure Can't parse %s type Error: offset out of range Error writing output Error parsing item %s apps/asn1parse.cunspecifiedCAkeyTimeholdInstructionapps/ca.c00Memory allocation failure apps/lib/apps.crow exp_datarow ptrfailed to update database TXT_DB error number %ld ERROR:name does not match %s Revoking Certificate %s. Unknown CRL reason %s Invalid object identifier %s revocation reasontodayrfc_822iso_8601No configuration used Using configuration from %s default_caoid_filestring_maskutf8yesunique_subjectdatabaserow serial#Serial %s not present in db. %s=Valid (%c) %s=Revoked (%c) %s=Expired (%c) %s=Suspended (%c) %s=Unknown (%c). Error verifying serial %s! private_keyError getting password CA certificatepreservemsie_hackname_optInvalid name options: "%s" cert_optcopy_extensionsnew_certs_dir%s: %s is not a directory in entry %d generating index Updating %s ... %s=Expired Malloc failure UNDEFdefault_mdno default digest email_in_dnnomessage digest is %s policy is %s rand_serialx509_extensionsdefault_startdatedefault_enddatedefault_daysnext serial number is 00 next serial number is %s error on line %ld of %s Signature ok template certificateerror unpacking public key CERTIFICATION CANCELED newwriting new certificates writing %s Data Base Updated crl_extensionscrlnumberdefault_crl_daysdefault_crl_hoursmaking CRL signing CRL no input files certificate to be revokederror setting CRL nextUpdate error setting CRL lastUpdate UNKNOWNOpenSSL cipher name: %s Error in cipher list 0x%02X,0x%02X - %-45s - certificate to be updatedhttp%s://%s:%s/%s via %skurp10crgenmuntrusted certificatescerts trusted by clienttrusted TLS certsextra certificates for TLSTLS client private keyPBMACextra certificates for CMPPKCS#10 CSRSubject Alternative Namerecipientexpected senderint:verbosity from -%sPBMAC secret of mock servercerts trusted by mock servercaPubs for mock serverpkix/Not FoundHTTP/1.0 %d %s Internal Server Errorapplication/pkixcmpPKIStatusInfo bufenrolledDisplay this summaryGeneric message options: cmdinfotypegeninfonewkeynewkeypassreqextssanssan_nodefaultpoliciespolicy_oidspolicy_oids_criticalpopocsrout_trustedimplicit_confirmdisable_confirmcertoutchainoutoldcertrevreasonMessage transfer options: no_proxykeep_alivemsg_timeouttotal_timeoutunless -srvcert is givensrvcertexpect_senderignore_keyusageunprotected_errorsextracertsoutcacertsoutown_trustedunprotected_requestsCredentials format options: otherpassProvider options: provider-pathproviderpropqueryRandom state options: writerandTLS connection options: tls_usedtls_certtls_keytls_keypasstls_extratls_trustedtls_hostbatchrepeatreqinreqin_new_tidreqoutrspinrspoutuse_mock_srvMock server options: max_msgssrv_refsrv_secretsrv_certCertificate of the serversrv_keysrv_keypasssrv_trustedsrv_untrustedrsp_certrsp_extracertsrsp_capubspoll_countcheck_aftergrant_implicitconfpkistatusfailurebitsstatusstringsend_errorsend_unprotectedsend_unprot_erraccept_unprotectedaccept_unprot_erraccept_raverifiedValidation options: certificate chain purposeverify_nameverification policy nameverify_depthchain depth limitauth_levelattimeverification epoch timeverify_hostnameexpected peer hostnameverify_emailexpected peer emailverify_ipexpected peer IP addressignore_criticalissuer_checks(deprecated)crl_checkcrl_check_allcheck full chain revocationpolicy_checkperform rfc5280 policy checksexplicit_policyinhibit_anyinhibit_mapx509_strictextended_crlenable extended CRL featuresuse_deltasuse delta CRLspolicy_printcheck_ss_sigcheck root CA self-signaturestrusted_firstsuiteB_128_onlySuite B 128-bit-only modesuiteB_128suiteB_192Suite B 192-bit-only modepartial_chainno_alt_chainsno_check_timeallow_proxy_certsUsage: %s [options] [cipher] General options: Even more verbosestdnameShow standard cipher namesconvertOnly supported ciphersCiphers compatible with TLS1pskciphersuiteskeyCompromiseCACompromiseaffiliationChangedsupersededcessationOfOperationcertificateHoldremoveFromCRLcompatibleca_defaultno_headerno_versionno_serialno_signameno_validityno_subjectno_issuerno_pubkeyno_extensionsno_sigdumpno_auxno_attributesext_defaultext_errorext_parseext_dumpoutdirWhere to put output certThe input cert request(s)informinfilesdateoptnotextDon't ask questionsss_certspkacConfiguration options: A config fileAn alias for -nameThe CA 'policy' to supportCertificate options: subjcreate_serialmultivalue-rdnCert notBefore, YYMMDDHHMMSSZextfilepreserveDNDon't re-order the DNnoemailDNThe CA private keyThe CA certselfsignvfyoptRevocation options: gencrlGenerate a new CRLupdatedbUpdates db for expired certcrlextscrl_reasoncrl_holdcrl_compromisecrl_CA_compromisecrl_lastupdatecrl_nextupdatecrldayscrlhourscrlsecRevoke a cert (given in file)certreqoidfile of extra oid definitionsI/O options: input format - one of DER PEMnooutdo not produce any outputoffsetoffset into filelength of section in filestrparsegenstrgenconfstrictpemitemitem to parse and print(-inform will be ignored)Formatting options: indents the outputunknown data in hex formdlimit%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: %s option argument is empty string, resetting option%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: %s option argument starts with hyphen%s%s variable lookup failed for %s::%s %s: Memory allocation failure %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: using only first %d characters of section name starting with "%.*s" Adding Entry with serial number %s to DB for %s %s: Could not allocate %zu bytes for %s ERROR:Already present, serial number %s ERROR:Already revoked, serial number %s Invalid time format %s. Need YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ Error in revocation arguments Invalid global string mask setting %s Problem with index file: %s (could not load/parse file) CA certificate and CA private key do not match Invalid certificate options: "%s" Invalid extension copy option: "%s" there needs to be defined a directory for new certificate to be placed in entry %d: not revoked yet, but has a revocation date entry %d: invalid expiry date entry %d: bad serial number length (%d) entry %d: bad char 0%o '%c' in serial number %d entries loaded from the database No entries found to mark expired Done. %d entries marked as expired Successfully loaded extensions file %s Error checking certificate extensions from extfile section %s Error checking certificate extension config section %s start date is invalid, it should be YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ end date is invalid, it should be YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ cannot lookup how many days to certify for error generating serial number error while loading serial number unable to find 'section' for %s no name/value pairs found in %s unable to load Netscape SPKAC structure Netscape SPKAC structure not found in %s Check that the SPKAC request matches the signature error unpacking SPKAC public key signature verification failed on SPKAC public key Check that the request matches the signature Signature verification problems.... Signature did not match the certificate %d out of %d certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]CERTIFICATION CANCELED: I/O error Write out database with %d new entries certificate file name too long Error checking CRL extension section %s error while loading CRL number cannot lookup how long until the next CRL is issued Error adding CRL extensions from section %s Error setting TLSv1.3 ciphersuites 0x%02X,0x%02X,0x%02X,0x%02X - %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: NULL arg to write_PKIMESSAGE%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: not enough file names provided for writing PKIMessage%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot write PKIMessage to file '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: not enough file names provided for reading PKIMessage%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot read PKIMessage from file '%s'%s%s error setting verification parameters for %s fallback public key for cert to be enrolledpublic key for checking cert resulting from p10crreference certificate (oldcert)%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -server or -use_mock_srv or -rspin option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: ignoring -proxy option since -server is not given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: ignoring -no_proxy option since -server is not given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: ignoring -tls_used option since -server is not given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot parse -server URL: %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -tls_used option since -server URL indicates https%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: unknown cmp command '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: no cmp command to execute%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: unknown option given for key loading format%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: unknown option given for certificate storing format%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: unknown OID name in -infotype option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -trusted option is ignored since -srvcert option is present%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -recipient option is ignored since -srvcert option is present%s%s%s directly trusted CMP server certificatetrusted certs for verifying newly enrolled cert%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -total_timeout argument = %d must not be < %d (-msg_timeout)%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -reqin is ignored since -rspin is present%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -reqin_new_tid is ignored since -reqin is not present%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -tls_key option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -tls_cert option%s%s%s TLS client certificate (optionally with chain)%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: unable to use client TLS certificate file '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: could not add untrusted cert to TLS client cert chain%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: trying to build cert chain for own TLS cert%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: success building cert chain for own TLS cert%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: could not build cert chain for own TLS cert%s%s%s error: unable to add TLS extra certs %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: TLS private key '%s' does not match the TLS certificate '%s' %s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: unable to use TLS client private key '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: must give -key or -secret unless -unprotected_requests is used%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: must give -ref if no -cert and no -subject given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: must give both -cert and -key options or neither%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -cert and -key not used for protection since -secret is given%s%s%s private key for CMP client certificate%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: will not authenticate server due to missing -secret, -trusted, or -srvcert%s%s%s CMP client certificate (optionally with chain)%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: out of memory%s%s%s trusted certs for verifying own CMP signer cert%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -own_trusted option is ignored without -cert%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: digest algorithm name not recognized: '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: digest algorithm name not supported: '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: MAC algorithm name not recognized: '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: no -subject given; no -csr or -oldcert or -cert available for fallback%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -newkey (or -key) to be certified and no -csr given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -certout not given, nowhere to save newly enrolled certificate%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -subject %s since -ref or -cert is given%s%s option is ignored for commands other than 'ir', 'cr', and 'kur'%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -issuer %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -reqexts %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -san_nodefault %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -sans %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -policies %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -policy_oids %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -oldcert for certificate to be updated and no -csr given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: given -subject '%s' overrides the subject of '%s' for KUR%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -oldcert for certificate to be revoked and no -csr given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: ignoring -csr since certificate to be revoked is given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing PKCS#10 CSR for p10cr%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing -recipient, -srvcert, -issuer, -oldcert or -cert; recipient will be set to "NULL-DN"%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -newkeytype %s%s%s option is ignored for 'p10cr' and 'rr' commands%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -newkey %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -days %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -popo %s%s%s new private key for cert to be enrolled%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: could not set requested cert validity period%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot have policies both via -policies and via -policy_oids%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -csr option is ignored for command 'genm'%s%s%s error: unable to load %s from file '%s' %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: error while verifying CSR self-signature%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: CSR self-signature does not match the contents%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot load certificate request extension section '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot load policy cert request extension section '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot have Subject Alternative Names both via -reqexts and via -sans%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: bad syntax of %s '%s'%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -opt_san_nodefault has no effect when -sans is used%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -opt_policy_oids_critical has no effect unless -policy_oids is given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: unknown policy OID '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot add policy with OID '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -oldcert option is ignored for command 'genm'%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing ':' in -geninfo option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: missing 'int:' in -geninfo option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot parse int in -geninfo option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot parse OID in -geninfo option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: will not contact any server since -rspin is given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: will contact %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: Logging verbosity level %d out of range (0 .. 8)%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: using section(s) '%s' of OpenSSL configuration file '%s'%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: no [%s] section found in config file '%s'; will thus use just [default] and unnamed section if present%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: no [%s] section found in config file '%s'%s assertion failed: OSSL_NELEM(cmp_vars) == n_options + OPT_PROV__FIRST + 1 - OPT_PROV__LAST + OPT_R__FIRST + 1 - OPT_R__LAST + OPT_V__FIRST + 1 - OPT_V__LASTNon-positive number "%ld" for config option -%s Negative number "%ld" for config option -%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: internal: unsupported type '%c' for option '%s'%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: for option '%s' in config file section '%s'%s integer value out of range for option '%s' %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -keep_alive argument must be 0, 1, or 2%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: invalid popo spec. Valid values are -1 .. 2%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: invalid revreason. Valid values are -1 .. 6, 8 .. 10%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot load engine %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot set up error reporting and logging for %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: Ingnoring TLS options(s) since -tls_used is not given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -tls_used option not supported with -port option%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot use -port with -use_mock_srv, -server, or -rspin options%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot use both -server and -use_mock_srv options%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot use both -rspin and -use_mock_srv options%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: must give -srv_ref for mock server if no -srv_cert given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: mock server credentials must be given if -use_mock_srv or -port is used%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: mock server will not be able to handle PBM-protected requests since -srv_secret is not given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: must give both -srv_cert and -srv_key options or neither%s%s%s certificate of the mock serverprivate key for mock server cert%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: mock server will not be able to handle signature-protected requests since -srv_trusted is not given%s%s%s untrusted certificates for mock server%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: no -rsp_cert given for mock server%s%s%s cert to be returned by the mock serverCMP extra certificates for mock server%s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -failure out of range, should be >= 0 and <= %d%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -failurebits overrides -failure%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: -failurebits out of range%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: ignoring -tls_used option since -use_mock_srv or -rspin is given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: expecting empty path or 'pkix/' but got '%s'%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: ignoring -server option since -rspin is given%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot set up CMP context%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: genp contains no ITAV%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: could not get ITAV details%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: genp contains empty ITAV%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: genp contains ITAV of type: %s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: received%s%s %s Configuration file to use. "" = none. Default from env variable OPENSSL_CONFSection(s) in config file to get options from. "" = 'default'. Default 'cmp'Log level; 3=ERR, 4=WARN, 6=INFO, 7=DEBUG, 8=TRACE. Default 6 = INFOCMP request to send: ir/cr/kur/p10cr/rr/genmInfoType name for requesting specific info in genm, e.g. 'signKeyPairTypes'generalInfo integer values to place in request PKIHeader with given OIDspecified in the form :int:, e.g. ""Certificate enrollment options: Private or public key for the requested cert. Default: CSR key or client keyNew private key pass phrase sourceDistinguished Name (DN) of subject to use in the requested cert templateFor kur, default is subject of -csr arg or reference cert (see -oldcert)this default is used for ir and cr only if no Subject Alt Names are setDN of the issuer to place in the requested certificate templatealso used as recipient if neither -recipient nor -srvcert are givenRequested validity time of the new certificate in number of daysName of config file section defining certificate request extensions.Augments or replaces any extensions contained CSR given with -csrSubject Alt Names (IPADDR/DNS/URI) to add as (critical) cert req extensionDo not take default SANs from reference certificate (see -oldcert)Name of config file section defining policies certificate request extensionPolicy OID(s) to add as policies certificate request extensionFlag the policy OID(s) given with -policy_oids as criticalProof-of-Possession (POPO) method to use for ir/cr/kur where-1 = NONE, 0 = RAVERIFIED, 1 = SIGNATURE (default), 2 = KEYENCPKCS#10 CSR file in PEM or DER format to convert or to use in p10crCertificates to trust when verifying newly enrolled certificatesRequest implicit confirmation of newly enrolled certificatesDo not confirm newly enrolled certificate w/o requesting implicitconfirmation. WARNING: This leads to behavior violating RFC 4210File to save newly enrolled certificateFile to save the chain of newly enrolled certificateCertificate enrollment and revocation options: Certificate to be updated (defaulting to -cert) or to be revoked in rr;also used as reference (defaulting to -cert) for subject DN and SANs.Issuer is used as recipient unless -recipient, -srvcert, or -issuer givenReason code to include in revocation request (rr); possible values:0..6, 8..10 (see RFC5280, 5.3.1) or -1. Default -1 = none included[http[s]://]address[:port][/path] of CMP server. Default port 80 or 443.address may be a DNS name or an IP address; path can be overridden by -path[http[s]://]address[:port][/path] of HTTP(S) proxy to use; path is ignoredList of addresses of servers not to use HTTP(S) proxy forDefault from environment variable 'no_proxy', else 'NO_PROXY', else noneDN of CA. Default: subject of -srvcert, -issuer, issuer of -oldcert or -certHTTP path (aka CMP alias) at the CMP server. Default from -server, else "/"Persistent HTTP connections. 0: no, 1 (the default): request, 2: requireNumber of seconds allowed per CMP message round trip, or 0 for infiniteOverall time an enrollment incl. polling may take. Default 0 = infiniteServer authentication options: Certificates to trust as chain roots when verifying signed CMP responsesIntermediate CA certs for chain construction for CMP/TLS/enrolled certsServer cert to pin and trust directly when verifying signed CMP responsesDN of expected sender of responses. Defaults to subject of -srvcert, if anyIgnore CMP signer cert key usage, else 'digitalSignature' must be allowedAccept missing or invalid protection of regular error messages and negativecertificate responses (ip/cp/kup), revocation responses (rp), and PKIConfWARNING: This setting leads to behavior allowing violation of RFC 4210File to save extra certificates received in the extraCerts fieldFile to save CA certificates received in the caPubs field of 'ip' messagesClient authentication options: Reference value to use as senderKID in case no -cert is givenPrefer PBM (over signatures) for protecting msgs with given password sourceClient's CMP signer certificate; its public key must match the -key argumentThis also used as default reference for subject DN and SANs.Any further certs included are appended to the untrusted certsOptional certs to verify chain building for own CMP signer certCMP signer private key, not used when -secret givenClient private key (and cert and old cert) pass phrase sourceDigest to use in message protection and POPO signatures. Default "sha256"MAC algorithm to use in PBM-based message protection. Default "hmac-sha1"Certificates to append in extraCerts field of outgoing messages.This can be used as the default CMP signer cert chain to includeSend messages without CMP-level protectionFormat (PEM or DER) to use when saving a certificate to a file. Default PEMFormat of the key input (ENGINE, other values ignored)Pass phrase source potentially needed for loading certificates of othersUse crypto engine with given identifier, possibly a hardware device.Engines may also be defined in OpenSSL config file engine section.Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)Property query used when fetching algorithmsLoad the given file(s) into the random number generatorWrite random data to the specified fileEnable using TLS (also when other TLS options are not set)Client's TLS certificate. May include chain to be provided to TLS serverPrivate key for the client's TLS certificatePass phrase source for the client's private TLS key (and TLS cert)Extra certificates to provide to TLS server during TLS handshakeTrusted certificates to use for verifying the TLS server certificate;this implies host name validationAddress to be checked (rather than -server) during TLS host name validationClient-side debugging options: Do not interactively prompt for input when a password is required etc.Invoke the transaction the given positive number of times. Default 1Take sequence of CMP requests from file(s)Use fresh transactionID for CMP requests read from -reqinSave sequence of CMP requests to file(s)Process sequence of CMP responses provided in file(s), skipping serverSave sequence of CMP responses to file(s)Use internal mock server at API level, bypassing socket-based HTTPAct as HTTP-based mock server listening on given portmax number of messages handled by HTTP mock server. Default: 0 = unlimitedReference value to use as senderKID of server in case no -srv_cert is givenPassword source for server authentication with a pre-shared key (secret)Private key used by the server for signing messagesServer private key (and cert) pass phrase sourceTrusted certificates for client authenticationIntermediate certs that may be useful for verifying CMP protectionCertificate to be returned as mock enrollment resultExtra certificates to be included in mock certification responsesCA certificates to be included in mock ip responseNumber of times the client must poll before receiving a certificateThe check_after value (time to wait) to include in poll responseGrant implicit confirmation of newly enrolled certificatePKIStatus to be included in server response. Possible values: 0..6A single failure info bit number to include in server response, 0..26Number representing failure bits to include in server response, 0..2^27 - 1Status string to be included in server responseForce server to reply with error messageSend response messages without CMP-level protectionIn case of negative responses, server shall send unprotected error messages,certificate responses (ip/cp/kup), and revocation responses (rp).WARNING: This setting leads to behavior violating RFC 4210Accept missing or invalid protection of requestsAccept unprotected error messages from clientAccept RAVERIFIED as proof-of-possession (POPO)adds policy to the acceptable policy setchain authentication security levelpermit unhandled critical extensionscheck leaf certificate revocationset policy variable require-explicit-policyset policy variable inhibit-any-policyset policy variable inhibit-policy-mappingdisable certificate compatibility work-aroundsprint policy processing diagnosticssearch trust store first (default)Suite B 128-bit mode allowing 192-bit algorithmsaccept chains anchored by intermediate trust-store CAsignore certificate validity timeallow the use of proxy certificatesVerbose listing of the SSL/TLS ciphersConvert standard name into OpenSSL nameCipher specification options: Ciphers compatible with TLS1.1Ciphers compatible with TLS1.2Ciphers compatible with TLS1.3Include ciphersuites requiring PSK(deprecated) Include ciphersuites requiring SRPConfigure the TLSv1.3 ciphersuites to useCipher string to decode (optional)Usage: %s [options] [certreq...] Verbose output during processingCSR input format (DER or PEM); default PEMThe last argument, requests to processWhere to put the output file(s)Datetime format used for printing. (rfc_822/iso_8601). Default is rfc_822.Do not print the generated certificatemsie modifications to handle all Universal StringsFile contains a self signed cert to signFile contains DN and signed public key and challengeUse engine, possibly a hardware deviceThe particular CA definition to useUse arg instead of request's subjectInput characters are UTF8; default ASCIIIf reading serial fails, create a new random serialAlways create a random serial; do not store itDeprecated; multi-valued RDNs support is always on.YYMMDDHHMMSSZ cert notAfter (overrides -days)Number of days to certify the cert forExtension section (override value in config file)Configuration file with X509v3 extensions to addDon't add the EMAIL field to the DNDigest to use, such as sha256; see openssl help for listPrivate key file format (ENGINE, other values ignored)Key and cert input file pass phrase sourceKey to decrypt the private key or cert files if encrypted. Better use -passinCertificate input format (DER/PEM/P12); has no effectSign a cert with the key associated with itSignature parameter in n:v formVerification parameter in n:v formAdd a Valid(not-revoked) DB entry about a cert (given in file)Shows cert status given the serial numberCRL extension section (override value in config file)the hold instruction, an OID. Sets revocation reason to certificateHoldsets compromise time to val and the revocation reason to keyCompromisesets compromise time to val and the revocation reason to CACompromiseSets the CRL lastUpdate time to val (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ)Sets the CRL nextUpdate time to val (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ)Days until the next CRL is dueHours until the next CRL is dueSeconds until the next CRL is dueCertificate requests to be signed (optional)output file (output format is always DER)offset; a series of these can be used to 'dig'string to generate ASN1 structure frominto multiple ASN1 blob wrappingsfile to generate ASN1 structure fromdo not attempt base64 decode outside PEM markersdump the first arg bytes of unknown data in hex formTTVTVV`VUVpVXXWWWWWW@nXmssqs@t(tqsXmttttthtnPtwvvvvvpv vvuXuHu8u(uuurrrhrHr(rors`s@s(ssrrrqЪxh80XFpX@(((hP8 xhP8  yhWH8'ufUE4#|m]M=, .%4-P-Hprev_itemread_config-M-Sset_verbosityget_optsossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_certOutossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_chainOutossl_cmp_mock_srv_set1_caPubsOutossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_pollCountossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_checkAfterTimeossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_statusInfoossl_cmp_mock_srv_set_send_errorsetup_srv_ctxcmp_serverprint_itavscmp_mainopt_strtransform_optssetup_verification_ctxsetup_ssl_ctxsetup_protection_ctxload_csr_autofmtset_gennamessetup_request_ctxhandle_opt_geninfosetup_client_ctxread_PKIMESSAGEwrite_PKIMESSAGE0123456789ABCDEFprocess_pollReqprocess_certConfprocess_errorprocess_genmprocess_rrprocess_cert_requestmock serverThis command is not enabled in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenSSL build, please consult Red Hat documentation to learn how to enable FIPS mode Error allocating CMS_contentinfo Error reading %s Content Info Invalid key (supplied twice) %s Invalid id (supplied twice) %s Invalid OID (supplied twice) %s Illegal -inkey without -signer %s: Unknown option or message digest: %s No Signed Receipts Recipients Signed receipts only allowed with -sign Multiple signers or keys not allowed Incompatible options: CAdES requires signed attributes Incompatible options: CAdES validation requires certs and signed attributes validations No signer certificate specified No recipient certificate or key specified No recipient(s) certificate(s) specified No operation option (-encrypt|-decrypt|-sign|-verify|...) specified. Warning: -nodetach option is ignored for non-signing operation Warning: -contfile option is ignored for the given operation receipt signer certificate fileSigned Receipt Request Creation Error Error decrypting CMS using secret key Error decrypting CMS using private key Error decrypting CMS using password Error decrypting CMS structure Receipt Request Parse Error Bad output format for CMS file Error initialising X509 store Error getting CRL issuer certificate Error getting CRL issuer public key Error getting maximum length of signed data %s: Can only sign or verify one file. No signature to verify: use the -signature option MAC and signing key cannot both be specified Key type not supported for this operation Signature parameter error "%s" Error opening signature file %s Error reading signature file %s Length can only be specified for XOF Signing key cannot be specified for XOF Error, failed to set DH parameters %s: Value "%s" outside integer range Error, generator may not be chosen for DSA parameters Warning, input file %s ignored Error, %s param generation context allocation failed Error, unable to initialise %s parameters Error, unable to set DSA prime length Error, unable to set DH prime length Error, unable to set generator Error, unable to load parameters Error, unable to load DSA parameters Error, unable to load DH parameters Error, failed to check DH parameters Error, invalid parameters generated DH parameters appear to be ok. Error, unable to write DH parameters Generating %s parameters, %d bit long %sprime PVK form impossible with public key input bad output format specified for outfile Error, DSA parameter generation context allocation failed Warning: It is not recommended to use more than %d bit for DSA keys. Your key size is %d! Larger key size may behave not as expected. Generating DSA parameters, %d bit long prime Error, DSA key generation paramgen init failed Error, DSA key generation setting bit length failed Error, unable to write DSA parameters Error, DSA key generation context allocation failed Error, unable to initialise for key generation unable to set point conversion format unable to set asn1 encoding format unable to disable public key encoding unable to enable public key encoding CURVE DESCRIPTION NOT AVAILABLEusing curve name prime192v1 instead of secp192r1 using curve name prime256v1 instead of secp256r1 checking elliptic curve parameters: unable to write elliptic curve parameters hex string is too long, ignoring excess hex string is too short, padding with zero bytes to length *** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used. Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better. warning: iv not used by this cipher %s: Cannot mix flags and engine names. unable to create PKEY context unable to set up for key generation unable to output generated key Error reading parameter file %s %s: Error setting %s parameter: Do not output status while generating keysSet the public key algorithm option as opt:valueLoad a configuration file (this may load modules)Output file pass phrase sourceCipher to use to encrypt the keyOrder of options may be important! See the documentation. Usage: %s [options] dsaparam-file Output the key to the specified fileEncrypt the output with any supported cipherFile containing DSA parametersUsage: %s [options] errnum... Usage: %s [options] engine... Check that specified engine is availableRun command against the ENGINE before loading itRun command against the ENGINE after loading itList 'control commands' For each specified engineAlso display each command's descriptionAlso add the input flags for each commandAlso show internal input flagsList the capabilities of specified engineDisplay error trace for unavailable enginesCommands are like "SO_PATH:/lib/libdriver.so"Base64 encode/decode, depending on encryption flagUsed with -[base64|a] to specify base64 buffer as a single lineDisable standard block paddingUse specified digest to create a key from the passphraseSpecify the iteration count and force use of PBKDF2Use password-based key derivation function 2Compress or decompress encrypted data using zlibPrints a list of all curve 'short names'Input format - default PEM (DER or PEM)Print the ec parameters in text formSpecifies the way the ec parameters are encodedCheck that named EC curve parameters have not been modifiedIf 'explicit' parameters are chosen do not use the seedUse the ec parameters with specified 'short name'Specifies the point conversion form Input format (DER/PEM/P12/ENGINE)Expect a public key in input filePrint the elliptic curve parametersOutput public key, not privateexclude public key from private keyUsage: %s [options] [numbits] Use engine e, possibly a hardware deviceNumber of bits if generating parameters (optional)Enable 'Strong' PVK encoding level (default)Enable 'Weak' PVK encoding levelInput format (DER/PEM/PVK); has no effectRead or generate DSA parameters, convert to DHPrint a text form of the DH parametersDon't output any DH parametersGenerate parameters using 2 as the generator valueGenerate parameters using 3 as the generator valueGenerate parameters using 5 as the generator valueUsage: %s [options] [file...] Also use engine given by -engine for digest operationsPrint the digest with separating colonsPrint the digest in coreutils formatOutput to filename rather than stdoutKey file format (ENGINE, other values ignored)Output length for XOF algorithms. To obtain the maximum security strength set this to 32 (or greater) for SHAKE128, and 64 (or greater) for SHAKE256Verify a signature using public keyVerify a signature using private keyCreate MAC (not necessarily HMAC)MAC algorithm parameters in n:v form or keyCompute HMAC with the key used in OpenSSL-FIPS fingerprintFiles to digest (optional; default is stdin)No crl to load, just certs from '-certfile'File of chain of certs to a trusted CA; can be repeatedCRL input format (DER or PEM); has no effectCRL signing Private key to usePrivate key file format (DER/PEM/P12); has no effectPrint out a text format versionPrint old-style (MD5) hash valueCertificate subject/issuer name printing optionsCorrupt last byte of loaded CRL signature (for test)Other CRL to compare/diff to the Input oneVerify CRL using certificates in dirVerify CRL using certificates in file nameVerify CRL using certificates in store URIDo not load the default certificates fileDo not load certificates from the default certificates directoryDo not load certificates from the default certificates storeUsage: %s [options] [cert...] Generate a signed receipt for a messageVerify receipts; exit if receipt signatures do not verifyCreate a CMS "DigestedData" objectVerify a CMS "DigestedData" object and output itCreate a CMS "CompressedData" objectUncompress a CMS "CompressedData" objectCreate CMS "EncryptedData" object using symmetric keyDecrypt CMS "EncryptedData" object using symmetric keyCopy CMS "Data" object to outputInput format SMIME (default), PEM or DEROutput format SMIME (default), PEM or DERTreat input as binary: do not translate to canonical formUse CRLF as EOL termination instead of CR onlyPerform CRLF canonicalisation when signingSpecific password for recipientUse specified hex-encoded key to decrypt/encrypt recipients or contentIdentity of the -secretkey for CMS "KEKRecipientInfo" objectInput private key (if not signer or recipient)Set public key parameters as n:v pairsInput private key format (ENGINE, other values ignored)Encryption and decryption options: Recipient certs (optional; used only when encrypting)The encryption algorithm to use (any supported cipher)Key wrap algorithm to use when encrypting with key agreementDisable MMA protection, return error if no recipient found (see doc)Include signingCertificate attribute (CAdES-BES)Don't include signer's certificate when signingDon't include any signed attributesOmit the SMIMECapabilities attributeWhen signing, create a receipt request for all recipientsWhen signing, create a receipt request for first recipientCreate signed receipt request with specified email addressCreate signed receipt targeted to specified addressSigner certificate(s) output fileSupply or override content for detached signatureDo not verify signed content signaturesDo not verify signed attribute signaturesDon't verify message signatureDon't verify signers certificateDon't search certificates in message for signerCheck signingCertificate (CAdES-BES)Exit non-zero on verification failureTrusted certificates directoryTrusted certificates store URIInclude or delete text MIME headersFor the -cmsout operation do not output the parsed CMS structureFor the -cmsout operation print out all fields of the CMS structureFor the -print option specifies various strings printing optionsBad input format for %s rbCAdESCMSInvalid key %s Invalid id %s Invalid OID %s recipient certificate fileNo key specified key param bufferapps/cms.c%s: Unknown cipher: %s No secret key id originator certificate fileSMIMECan't read content file %s Error writing certs to %s Can't open receipt file %s signer certificateError creating CMS structure %s Verification successful %s Verification failure Error writing signers to %s Signer %d: No Receipt Request Signed Content ID: Receipts From List: : First Tier : All Unknown (%d) Receipts To: To: %s%sFrom: %s%sSubject: %s%sMissing CRL signing key other CRLCRL signing keyError creating delta CRL issuer=crlNumber=0xissuer name hash=%08lx issuer name old hash=lastUpdate=nextUpdate=NONE%s Fingerprint=%02X%cunable to write CRL unable to load CRL error opening the file, %s error reading the file, %s error loading certificates unable to write pkcs7 object RSA-%-25sRead error in %s Verified OK Error verifying data Signature bufferError signing data Digest bufferError Digesting Data \ *%s apps/dgst.c%s(%s)= etaonrishdlcupfmSHA256I/O bufferSupported digests: MAC parameter error "%s" Error getting context Error setting context Error setting digest signature bufferDHXsafe type-specificSubjectPublicKeyInfoMSBLOBError getting passwords read DSA key unable to load Key Not a DSA key Public Key=writing DSA key %s format not supported encrypt-levelinvalid PVK encryption level unable to write key apps/dsa.cThis could take some time DSA parametersread EC key point-formatinclude-publicunable to print EC key unable to check EC key EC Key Invalid! EC Key valid. writing EC key unable to write EC key apps/ec.cprime192v1prime256v1list curvesapps/ecparam.c %-10s: secp192r1secp256r1groupSM2sm2unable to generate key EC parametersECunable to clear seed unable to print params group-checkunable to set check_type non-hex digit base64zlibSupported ciphers: %s Can't read key from %s bufsize=%d strbufevp bufferencryptiondecryptionenter %s %s password:bad password read invalid hex salt value RAND_bytes failed error writing output file error reading input file bad magic number PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC failed EVP_BytesToKey failed invalid hex iv value iv undefined invalid hex key value Error setting cipher %s salt=key=iv =bad decrypt bytes read : %8ju bytes written: %8ju apps/enc.c%s: zero length password engine bufferapps/engine.cSTORE(%s)Loaded: (%s) %s RAND [%s] [ available ] [ unavailable ] description buffer%s%s(input flags): [Internal] STRINGNUMERIC|NO_INPUT<0x%04X> %lxapps/gendsa.cCan't open parameter file %s Error initializing context Algorithm already set! Bad format specified for key Error writing key Error printing key apps/genpkey.cparamfileParameters fileThe public key algorithmpkeyoptOutput fileoutformoutput format (DER or PEM)genparamGenerate parameters, not keyPrint the in textpassoutVerbose outputdsaparam-fileerrnumError number(s) to decodeprepostvvvvttID of engine(s) to loadList ciphersAlias for -listEncryptDecryptPrint the iv/keyPrint the iv/key and exitInput options: Input filePassphrasekfileRead passphrase from filePassphrase sourceSame as option -anopadUse salt in the KDF (default)nosaltDo not use salt in the KDFPrint debug infobufsizeBuffer sizeRaw key, in hexSalt, in hexIV in hexpbkdf2Don't encryptAny supported ciphernamed_curveuncompressedhybridlist_curvesgenkeyGenerate ec keyInput file - default stdinOutput file - default stdoutOutput format - default PEMDo not print the ec parameterParameter options: Validate the ec parameterscheck_namedno_seedpubinInput file pass phrase sourcecheck key consistencyOutput format - DER or PEMDon't print key outPrint the keyparam_outpuboutno_publicInput format - DER or PEMPrint as textNo outputGenerate a DSA keynumbitspvk-strongpvk-weakpvk-noneDon't enforce PVK encodingInput keyOutput format, DER PEM PVKPrint the key in textPrint the DSA public valueCheck the DH parametersdsaparamInput format, DER or PEMOutput format, DER or PEMList digestsengine_implPrint as hex dumpbinaryPrint in binary formxoflenSign digest using private keyprverifyFile with signature to verifyhmacCreate hashed MAC with keymacoptAny supported digestfips-fingerprintnocrlcertfileVerify CRL signatureInput file - default stdinoutput file - default stdoutPrint hash valuenameoptCRL options: Print issuer DNSet lastUpdate fieldSet nextUpdate fieldNo CRL outputPrint the crl fingerprintPrint CRL numberbadsiggendeltano-CAfileno-CApathno-CAstoreOperation options: Encrypt messageDecrypt encrypted messageSign messageVerify signed messageresignResign a signed messagesign_receiptverify_receiptdigest_createdigest_verifyuncompressEncryptedData_encryptEncryptedData_decryptdata_createCreate a CMS "Data" objectdata_outcmsoutOutput CMS structureFile format options: rctformReceipt file formatEnable CMS streamingSame as -streamnoindefDisable CMS streamingcrlfeolasciicrlfKeys and passwords options: pwri_passwordsecretkeysecretkeyidinkeyoriginatorOriginator certificate filerecipRecipient cert filecert...aes128-wrapUse AES128 to wrap keyaes192-wrapUse AES192 to wrap keyaes256-wrapUse AES256 to wrap keydes3-wrapUse 3DES-EDE to wrap keydebug_decryptDigest algorithm to useSigner certificate input fileOther certificates filecadesnodetachUse opaque signingnocertsnoattrnosmimecapreceipt_request_allreceipt_request_firstreceipt_request_fromreceipt_request_toVerification options: no_content_verifyno_attr_verifynosigsnoverifynointernverify_retcodeTrusted certificates fileUse subject key identifierecontent_typeOID for external contentCertificate output fileTo addressFrom addressSubjectPrinting options: receipt_request_printPrint CMS Receipt Requestkxp`P@$wgZM@0#0tdT@% L8fUzNXNNNNNNR X   p ` P 8 (   p  p P 8 x(H#$",&%$$|&l&\&<&<'$'&&&&&&%|%l%<% %$$96x:h:9P:::@:9;::::dC?4DDDClDTDD$@$@$@EEDDDDDD8HGII@I(IhIIIGIIHNM(PPOOOOxOhOQQPPPPxPhPXPHP8VUZZVZZZZ[[[[x[H[8[[[dcffeefffe`gPg@g0g gggfiihh8h hhgggggpg\{z|{{{4|| t\D$Ĉd, Dď,t\ %s => %s uninitialisedready %s @ %s state = %s state%*s%s: %llu error getting value %lld <%zu bytes> Name: Type: Provider Algorithm IDs: %*sEmpty list of %s (!!!) settable operation parameters description: %s %-*sExternalBuiltin(none)- - %s %c primaryprivateERROR: Memory allocation Legacy: Provided: Provided KDFs and PDFs: Provided MACs: Provided ENCODERs: @ %s (%s) Provided DECODERs: Key Managers: Name: %s Alias for: %s Type: %s Algorithm OID: %s PEM string: %s Encryption: Key Exchange: Signatures: Key encapsulation: Provided STORE LOADERs: Providers: buildinfo name: %s version: %s status: %sactive build info: %s gettable provider parametersEngines: Disabled algorithms: EC2M MDC2 SM2 SM4 SSL3 # None-OID object: %s, %s apps/list.c%s = %s %s = %s, %s Invalid MAC name %s MAC parameter error EVP_MAC_Init failed Read Error in '%s' EVP_MAC_update failed EVP_MAC_final failed output len is too large subject=The command %s is deprecated. Use '%s' instead.--helpUsage: %s %s: Standard commandsPassword: apps/passwd.cError setting RSA length Error cannot access RSA e e is %s (0x%s) apps/genrsa.cExtra arguments given. Error creating SSL context. application/ocsp-responseapplication/ocsp-request"" (core dumped)apps/ocsp.cissuer certificateError Creating OCSP request Error reading OCSP request responder certificateresponder other certificatesresponder private keychild PID arrayfatal: waitpid(): %sapps/lib/http_server.cfatal: RAND_poll() failedterminating on signal: %dindex file changed, reloadingsigner private keysigner certificatesError signing OCSP request assertion failed: bnassertion failed: itmpError reading OCSP response Responder Error: %s (%d) validator certificatesError parsing response Nonce Verify error Response Verify Failure Response verify OK ERROR: No Status found. This Update: Next Update: Reason: %s Revocation Time: apps_startupprog_initorg.openssl.engineOPENSSL_TEST_LIBCTXnull--happs/openssl.cCannot write random bytes: apps/lib/app_rand.cx509toreqsignkeySame as -keynocertcertoptPrint certificate aliasPrint serial number valuePrint the notBefore fieldPrint the notAfter fieldPrint subject DNPrint email address(es)subject_hashPrint subject hash valuesubject_hash_oldissuer_hashPrint issuer hash valueissuer_hash_oldocspidocsp_uriPrint OCSP Responder URL(s)Print the RSA key moduluscheckendcheckhostcheckemailcheckipCertificate output options: set_serialnext_serialpreserve_datesforce_pubkeyclrextMicro-CA options: CAformCAkeyCAkeyformCAserialCAcreateserialtrustoutsetaliasclrtrustClear all trusted purposesaddtrustclrrejectaddrejectShow all dataShow build dateShow configuration directoryShow engines directoryShow modules directoryShow compiler flags usedShow target build platformShow random seeding optionsShow library versionShow CPU settings infoCertificate chain options: CRLfilecrl_downloadshow_chainConfiguration fileSigner certificate fileFile with signer CA chainFile with trusted CA certsPath to trusted CA filesURI to trusted CA storeExtra untrusted certstoken_inInput is a PKCS#7 filetoken_outOutput is a PKCS#7 fileQuery options: Generate a TS queryFile to hashDigest (as a hex string)queryfileFile containing a TS queryPut cert request into queryVerify options: Verify a TS responseGenerate a TS replytspolicyPolicy OID to useno_nonceDo not include a nonceOutput text (not DER)Usage: %s [options] uri Search options: Search for certificates onlySearch for keys onlycrlsSearch for CRLs onlySearch by subjectSearch by aliasRecurse through namesNo PEM output, just statusURI of the store objectTalk a lot while doing thingsAction options: Add a user and SRP verifiermodifydeleteList userssrpvfileThe srp verifier file nameuserinfospksectchallengeChallenge stringAlternative SPKAC nameDon't print SPKACOutput public keyVerify SPKAC signaturembmrRun benchmarks in parallelasync_jobsSelection options: evpHMAC using EVP-named digestcmacCMAC using EVP-named cipheraeadTiming options: elapsedmisalignSigning/Encryption options: pk7outOutput PKCS#7 structureEmail options: nochainSet the session ID contextPrint ssl session id detailsOutput certificate Connection options: Just time new connectionsJust time connection reusebugsTurn on SSL bug compatibilityJust use TLSv1.0Just use TLSv1.1Just use TLSv1.2Just use TLSv1.3wwwcafilePEM format file of CA'sPEM format directory of CA'sURI to store of CA'sssl_configtracetrace protocol messagesNetwork options: unixunlinkUse IPv4 onlyUse IPv6 onlyIdentity options: Set session ID contextcert2build_chainserverinfokey2dcertformdcert_chaindkeydkeyformdpassdhparamDH parameters file to useservername_fatalnbio_testNo server outputno_resume_ephemeralWWWignore_unexpected_eoftlsextdebugHTTPid_prefixkeymatexportkeymatexportlenCRL file to useCRLformchainCAfilechainCApathchainCAstoreverifyCAfileverifyCApathverifyCAstoreno_cacheDisable session cacheext_cacheverify_return_errorverify_quietno_ign_eofDo not ignore input EOFOCSP options: status_verbosestatus_timeoutstatus_urlStatus request fallback URLstatus_fileDebug options: security_debugsecurity_debug_verbosebriefPrint more outputmsgShow protocol messagesmsgfilePrint the SSL statesasyncOperate in asynchronous modemax_pipelinesnacceptkeylogfileWrite TLS secrets to filenbioUse non-blocking IOEnable timeoutsmtuSet link-layer MTUread_bufsplit_send_fragmax_send_fragMaximum Size of send frames Server identity options: PSK identity to expectpsk_hintPSK identity hint to usePSK in hex (without 0x)psk_sessionsrpuserseedrecv_max_early_dataAttempt to read early datanum_ticketsno_anti_replayhttp_server_binmodeno_ca_namesstatelessRequire TLSv1.3 cookiesJust talk TLSv1Just talk TLSv1.1just talk TLSv1.2just talk TLSv1.3dtlsUse any DTLS versionlistendtls1Just talk DTLSv1dtls1_2Just talk DTLSv1.2sctpUse SCTPsctp_label_bugEnable SCTP label length buguse_srtpno_dheDisable ephemeral DHnextprotonegalpnsendfileTLS/SSL options: no_ssl3Just disable SSLv3no_tls1Just disable TLSv1no_tls1_1Just disable TLSv1.1no_tls1_2Just disable TLSv1.2no_tls1_3Just disable TLSv1.3no_compUse SSL/TLS-level compressionno_ticketserverpreflegacy_renegotiationclient_renegotiationDisable all renegotiation.no_resumption_on_renegno_legacy_server_connectallow_no_dhe_kexprioritize_chachaclient_sigalgsmin_protocolmax_protocolrecord_paddingdebug_broken_protocolno_middleboxno_etmxkeykey for Extended certificatesxcertxchainxchain_buildxcertformxkeyformssl_client_enginenoctctlogfileCT log list CONF fileUse -connect insteadbindproxy_userproxy_passmaxfraglenfallback_scsvSend the fallback SCSVrequestCAfiledane_tlsa_domainDANE TLSA base domaindane_tlsa_rrdatadane_ee_no_namechecksPSK identitySession options: reconnectsess_outFile to write SSL session tosess_inFile to read SSL session fromInput/Output options: No s_client outputDon't ignore input eofstarttlsxmpphostprexitshowcertsExtra outputMore ssl protocol testingPrint the ssl statesnocommandsnoservernameJust use TLSv1Use any version of DTLSSet the link layer MTUJust use DTLSv1Just use DTLSv1.2File to send as early dataenable_phasrpusersrppasssrp_lateusersrp_moregroupssrp_strengthhost:portSign with private keyVerify with public keyEncrypt with public keyDecrypt with private keyInput is an RSA publiccertinrawUse no paddingpkcsx931Use ANSI X9.31 paddingoaepUse PKCS#1 OAEPasn1parsehexdumpHex dump outputVerify key consistencyRSAPublicKey_inInput is an RSAPublicKeyOutput a public keyRSAPublicKey_outOutput is an RSAPublicKeytraditionalPVK options: keygen_engineNew requestRequest template filereqoptVarious request text optionsText form of requestx509(Required by some CA's)Serial number to useaddextprecertKeys and Signing options: keyoutFile to write private key tonoencDon't encrypt private keysnodesDo not output REQnewhdrRSA moduluscompatDo not remove existing linksUsage: %s [options] num Base64 encode outputHex encode outputNumber of bytes to generateSize of number in bitsNumber of checksHex outputGenerate a primesafederiveDerive shared secretrawinInput is a public keyInput private key filepeerkeypeerformsigfileasn1parse the output dataverifyrecoverSigning/Derivation options: pkeyopt_passinkdfUse KDF algorithmkdflenKDF algorithm output lengthCheck key param consistencyPrint parameters as textCheck key consistencypubcheckCheck public key consistencyKey input pass phrase sourcetext_pubec_conv_formec_param_encUse PKCS#5 v1.5 and cipherv2Use PKCS#5 v2.0 and cipherv2prfInput format (DER or PEM)nocryptOutput format (DER or PEM)topk8Output PKCS8 fileSpecify the iteration countUse 1 as iteration countScrypt options: scryptUse scrypt algorithmscrypt_NSet scrypt N parameterscrypt_rSet scrypt r parameterscrypt_pSet scrypt p parameterDon't output encoded dataprint_certstwopassnokeysDon't output private keysDon't output certificateslegacynomacverDon't verify integrity MACclcertscacertsOnly output CA certificatesCreate PKCS12 filepasscertsPEM-format file of CA'sPEM-format directory of CA'sUse name as friendly namecanameCSPMicrosoft CSP nameLMKkeyexkeysigkeypbecertpbemacalgnomaciterDon't use MAC iteration)nomacDon't generate MACmoduleprovider_nameFIPS provider namesection_nameno_conditional_errorsno_security_checksself_test_onloadmac_namecorrupt_desccorrupt_typeCorrupt a self test by typeThe parent config to verifyNo messages, just exit statusRead passwords from fileRead passwords from stdinNo warningsFormat output as tablereverseSwitch table columnsCryptographic options: Use provided saltapr1MD5-based password algorithmaixmd5commandignore_errResponder options: resp_no_certsnminnrequestsign_otherindexCertificate status index filendaysrsignerrotherrmdrsigoptkey=value header to addrcidClient options: Responder URLPort to run responder onPath to use in OCSP requestOutput filenameDon't verify response at allAdd OCSP nonce to requestno_signature_verifyresp_key_idno_cert_verifyreq_textPrint text form of requestresp_textPrint text form of responseno_chainDon't chain verify responseno_cert_checksno_explicittrust_otherno_internrespinVAfileValidator certificates fileverify_otherCertificate to checkSerial number to checkvalidity_periodrespoutIssuer certificatestatus_ageMaximum status age in secondstoseqOutput NS Sequence fileUsage: %s [options] mac_name CipherDigestMAC algorithmList in one columnVerbose listingselectSelect a single algorithmList of standard commandsstandard-commandsdigest-commandsdigest-algorithmskdf-algorithmsrandom-instancesrandom-generatorsmac-algorithmscipher-commandsencodersList of encoding methodsdecodersList of decoding methodskey-managersList of key managerskey-exchange-algorithmskem-algorithmssignature-algorithmsList of signature algorithmsasymcipher-algorithmspublic-key-algorithmsList of public key algorithmspublic-key-methodsList of public key methodsstore-loadersList of store loadersprovidersList of provider informationList of loaded enginesdisabledList of disabled featuresobjectscmscrl2pkcs7dgstecparamerrstrfipsinstallgendsagenpkeygenrsanseqocsppasswdpkcs12pkcs8pkeyparampkeyutlrehashrsautls_clients_servers_timesess_idsmimespeedstoreutlmd2md4sha224sha512-224sha512-256sha3-224sha3-256sha3-384sha3-512shake128shake256rmd160blake2b512blake2s256sm3aes-128-cbcaes-128-ecbaes-192-cbcaes-192-ecbaes-256-cbcaes-256-ecbaria-128-cbcaria-128-cfbaria-128-ctraria-128-ecbaria-128-ofbaria-128-cfb1aria-128-cfb8aria-192-cbcaria-192-cfbaria-192-ctraria-192-ecbaria-192-ofbaria-192-cfb1aria-192-cfb8aria-256-cbcaria-256-cfbaria-256-ctraria-256-ecbaria-256-ofbaria-256-cfb1aria-256-cfb8camellia-128-cbccamellia-128-ecbcamellia-192-cbccamellia-192-ecbcamellia-256-cbccamellia-256-ecbdes3desxidearc4rc4-40rc2bfcastrc5des-ecbdes-ededes-ede3des-cbcdes-ede-cbcdes-ede3-cbcdes-cfbdes-ede-cfbdes-ede3-cfbdes-ofbdes-ede-ofbdes-ede3-ofbidea-cbcidea-ecbidea-cfbidea-ofbseed-cbcseed-ecbseed-cfbseed-ofbrc2-cbcrc2-ecbrc2-cfbrc2-ofbrc2-64-cbcrc2-40-cbcbf-cbcbf-ecbbf-cfbbf-ofbcast5-cbccast5-ecbcast5-cfbcast5-ofbcast-cbcrc5-cbcrc5-ecbrc5-cfbrc5-ofbUsage: %s [options] kdf_name kdfoptkeylenkdf_nameName of the KDF algorithmconfigdirenginesdirmodulesdirdsoextdirnamesepDirectory-filename separatorlistsepList separator characterseedsSeed sourcescpusettingsUsage: %s [options] numbits F4f4Specify number of primesSize of key in bitsa@b0bbbbbpb`bPbHhHhgeggXggh\tss\tslstlsNJTlԌČtdTD4$ԋċ,,LLIJD=1) multi-block mode on EVP-named cipherProduce machine readable outputEnable async mode and start specified number of jobsSpecify number of primes (for RSA only)Use EVP-named cipher or digestTime decryption instead of encryption (only EVP)Benchmark EVP-named AEAD cipher in TLS-like sequenceUse wall-clock time instead of CPU user time as divisorRun benchmarks for specified amount of secondsRun [non-PKI] benchmarks on custom-sized bufferUse specified offset to mis-align buffersAlgorithm(s) to test (optional; otherwise tests all)Digest algorithm to use when signing or resigningDon't translate message to textDon't include signers certificate when signingVerification/Decryption options: Recipient certificate file for decryptionset PKCS7_NOCHAIN so certificates contained in the message are not used as untrusted CAsRecipient certs, used when encryptingOutput format - default PEM (PEM, DER or NSS)Don't output the encoded session infoWhere to connect as post:port (default is localhost:4433)Specify TLSv1.3 ciphersuites to be usedTurn on peer certificate verification, set depthSeconds to collect data, default 30Fetch specified page from the siteCert file to use, PEM format assumedFile with key, PEM; default is -cert fileDo not load certificates from the default certificates store URIConfigure SSL_CTX using the given configuration valueTCP/IP port to listen on for connections (default is 4433)TCP/IP optional host and port to listen on for connections (default is *:4433)Unix domain socket to accept onFor -unix, unlink existing socket firstDon't use any certificates (Anon-DH)Turn on peer certificate verificationTurn on peer certificate verification, must have a certServer certificate file to use; default server.pemCertificate file to use for servername; default server2.pemServer certificate file format (PEM/DER/P12); has no effectServer certificate chain file in PEM formatBuild server certificate chainPEM serverinfo file for certificatePrivate key file to use; default is -cert file or elseserver.pem-Private Key file to use for servername if not in -cert2Key format (ENGINE, other values ignored)Private key and cert file pass phrase sourceSecond server certificate file to use (usually for DSA)Second server certificate file format (PEM/DER/P12); has no effectsecond server certificate chain file in PEM formatSecond private key file to use (usually for DSA)Second key file format (ENGINE, other values ignored)Second private key and cert file pass phrase sourceServername for HostName TLS extensionOn servername mismatch send fatal alert (default warning alert)Test with the non-blocking test bioConvert LF from terminal into CRLFDisable caching and tickets if ephemeral (EC)DH is usedRespond to a 'GET /' with a status pageRespond to a 'GET with the file ./pathDo not treat lack of close_notify from a peer as an errorHex dump of all TLS extensions receivedLike -WWW but ./path includes HTTP headersGenerate SSL/TLS session IDs prefixed by argExport keying material using labelExport len bytes of keying material; default 20CRL file format (PEM or DER); default PEMDownload CRLs from distribution points in certificate CDP entriesCA file for certificate chain (PEM format)use dir as certificate store path to build CA certificate chainuse URI as certificate store to build CA certificate chainCA file for certificate verification (PEM format)use dir as certificate store path to verify CA certificateuse URI as certificate store to verify CA certificateDisable internal cache, set up and use external cacheClose connection on verification errorNo verify output except verify errorsIgnore input EOF (default when -quiet)Request certificate status from serverPrint more output in certificate status callbackStatus request responder timeout[http[s]://]host[:port][/path] of HTTP(S) proxy to use; path is ignoredFile containing DER encoded OCSP ResponsePrint output from SSL/TLS security frameworkPrint more output from SSL/TLS security frameworkRestrict output to brief summary of connection parametersact as an echo server that sends back received text reversedFile to send output of -msg or -trace, instead of stdoutMaximum number of encrypt/decrypt pipelines to be usedTerminate after #num connectionsDefault read buffer size to be used for connectionsSize used to split data for encrypt pipelinesFile to read PSK SSL session from(deprecated) The verifier file for SRP(deprecated) A seed string for a default user saltProtocol and version options: The maximum number of bytes of early data as advertised in ticketsThe maximum number of bytes of early data (hard limit)The number of TLSv1.3 session tickets that a server will automatically issueSwitch on anti-replay protection (default)Switch off anti-replay protectionopening files in binary mode when acting as http server (-WWW and -HTTP)Disable TLS Extension CA NamesListen for a DTLS ClientHello with a cookie and then connectOffer SRTP key management with a colon-separated profile listSet the advertised protocols for the NPN extension (comma-separated list)Set the advertised protocols for the ALPN extension (comma-separated list)Use sendfile to response file with -WWWDisable SSL/TLS compression (default)Disable use of TLS session ticketsUse server's cipher preferencesEnable use of legacy renegotiation (dangerous)Allow client-initiated renegotiationAllow initial connection to servers that don't support RIDisallow session resumption on renegotiationDisallow initial connection to servers that don't support RIIn TLSv1.3 allow non-(ec)dhe based key exchange on resumptionPrioritize ChaCha ciphers when preferred by clientsEnforce strict certificate checks as per TLS standardSignature algorithms to support (colon-separated list)Signature algorithms to support for client certificate authentication (colon-separated list)Groups to advertise (colon-separated list)Elliptic curve used for ECDHE (server-side only)Specify TLSv1.2 and below cipher list to be usedSpecify the minimum protocol version to be usedSpecify the maximum protocol version to be usedBlock size to pad TLS 1.3 records to.Perform all sorts of protocol violations for testing purposesDisable TLSv1.3 middlebox compat modeDisable Encrypt-then-Mac extensionExtended certificate options: cert for Extended certificateschain for Extended certificatesbuild certificate chain for the extended certificatesformat of Extended certificate (PEM/DER/P12); has no effectformat of Extended certificate's key (DER/PEM/P12); has no effectUsage: %s [options] [host:port] Specify engine to be used for client certificate operationsUse specified section for SSL_CTX configurationRequest and parse SCTs (also enables OCSP stapling)Do not request or parse SCTs (default)TCP/IP where to connect; default: 4433)bind local address for connectionConnect to via specified proxy to the real serverUserID for proxy authenticationProxy authentication password sourceConnect over the specified Unix-domain socketEnable Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation (len values: 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096)Client certificate file to useClient certificate file format (PEM/DER/P12); has no effectClient certificate chain file (in PEM format)Build client certificate chainPrivate key file to use; default: -cert filePEM format file of CA names to send to the serverDANE TLSA rrdata presentation formDisable name checks when matching DANE-EE(3) TLSA recordsHostname to use for "-starttls lmtp", "-starttls smtp" or "-starttls xmpp[-server]"Drop and re-make the connection with the same Session-IDIgnore input eof (default when -quiet)Use the appropriate STARTTLS command before starting TLSAlias of -name option for "-starttls xmpp[-server]"Print session information when the program exitsShow all certificates sent by the serverEnable security debug messagesOutput more security debug outputShow trace output of protocol messagesDo not use interactive command lettersSet TLS extension servername (SNI) in ClientHello (default)Do not send the server name (SNI) extension in the ClientHellotypes Send empty ClientHello extensions (comma-separated numbers)Enable ALPN extension, considering named protocols supported (comma-separated list)Support asynchronous operationEnable send/receive timeout on DTLS connectionsEnable NPN extension, considering named protocols supported (comma-separated list)Enable post-handshake-authentication(deprecated) SRP authentication for 'user'(deprecated) Password for 'user'(deprecated) SRP username into second ClientHello message(deprecated) Tolerate other than the known g N values.(deprecated) Minimal length in bits for NDownload CRL from distribution pointsCRL format (PEM or DER); default PEMRestrict verify output to errorsUse dir as certificate store path to build CA certificate chainCA store URI for certificate chainUse dir as certificate store path to verify CA certificateCA store URI for certificate verificationWhere to connect; same as -connect optionPrivate key format (ENGINE, other values ignored)Input is a cert carrying an RSA public keyReverse the order of the input bufferUse PKCS#1 v1.5 padding (default)Run output through asn1parse; useful with -verifyOutput format, one of DER PEM PVKUse traditional format for private keysSpecify engine to be used for key generation operationsX.509 request input file (default stdin)Verify self-signature on the requestConfig section to use (default "req")Input characters are UTF8 (default ASCII)Output an X.509 certificate structure instead of a cert requestIssuer cert to use for signing a cert, implies -x509Issuer private key to use with -CA; default is -CA argSet or modify subject of request or certPrint the subject of the output request or certNumber of days cert is valid forcopy extensions from request when using -x509Additional cert extension key=value pair (may be given more than once)Cert extension section (override value in config file)Request extension section (override value in config file)Add a poison extension to the generated cert (implies -new)Key for signing, and to include unless -in givenPrivate key and certificate password sourceGenerate new key with [:] or [:] or param:Public key options as opt:valueDo not ask anything during request generationDon't encrypt private keys; deprecatedOutput "NEW" in the header linesUsage: %s [options] [directory...] Create both new- and old-style hash linksUse old-style hash to generate linksOne or more directories to process (optional)Usage: %s [options] [number...] When used with -generate, generate a safe primeNumber(s) to check for primality if not generatingAlso use engine given by -engine for crypto operationsSign input data with private keyEncrypt input data with public keyDecrypt input data with private keyIndicate the input data is in raw formPeer key file used in key derivationPeer key format (DER/PEM/P12/ENGINE)Input is a cert with a public keySignature file (verify operation only)Verify with public key, recover original dataSpecify the digest algorithm when signing the raw input dataPublic key option that is read as a passphrase argument opt:passphraseDon't output encoded parametersRead only public components from key inputOutput file for encoded and/or text outputOutput encoding format (DER or PEM)Any supported cipher to be used for encryptionOutput PEM file pass phrase sourceUse traditional format for private key PEM outputRestrict encoded output to public componentsDo not output the key in encoded formOutput key components in plaintextOutput only public key components in text formSpecifies the EC point conversion form in the encodingSpecifies the way the EC parameters are encodedSet the PRF algorithm to use with PKCS#5 v2.0Use or expect unencrypted private keyuse traditional format private keyPrint full details of certificatesPrint out all fields of the PKCS7 structurePrint_certs print any certs or crl in the inputSet PKCS#12 import/export password sourceSeparate MAC, encryption passwordsDon't output anything, just verify PKCS#12 inputUse legacy encryption: 3DES_CBC for keys, RC2_CBC for certsPKCS#12 import (parsing PKCS#12) options: Print info about PKCS#12 structureOnly output client certificatesAny supported cipher for output encryptionPKCS#12 output (export) options: Private key, else read from -in input fileExtra certificates for PKCS12 outputCertificate file pass phrase sourceBuild and add certificate chain for EE cert,which is the 1st cert from -in matching the private key (if given)Untrusted certificates for chain buildingUse name as CA friendly name (can be repeated)Add local machine keyset attribute to private keySet key type to MS key exchangeSet key type to MS key signaturePrivate key PBE algorithm (default AES-256 CBC)Certificate PBE algorithm (default PBES2 with PBKDF2 and AES-256 CBC)Encrypt output with 3DES (default PBES2 with PBKDF2 and AES-256 CBC)Digest algorithm to use in MAC (default SHA256)Specify the iteration count for encryption and MACDon't use encryption iterationUnused, kept for backwards compatibilityVerify a config file instead of generating oneFile name of the provider moduleFIPS Provider config section name (optional)Disable the ability of the fips module to enter an error state if any conditional self tests failDisable the run-time FIPS security checks in the moduleForces self tests to always run on module loadInput config file, used when verifyingOutput config file, used when generatingMAC algorithm parameters in n:v form. See 'PARAMETER NAMES' in the EVP_MAC_ docsDisable logging of self test eventsCorrupt a self test by descriptionUsage: %s [options] [password] Never verify when reading password from terminalSHA512-based password algorithmSHA256-based password algorithmMD5-based password algorithm, Apache variantAIX MD5-based password algorithmPassword text to digest (optional)Usage: help [options] [command] Name of command to display help (optional)Ignore error on OCSP request or response and continue runningConnection timeout (in seconds) to the OCSP responderDon't include any certificates in responserun multiple responder processesDon't include any certificates in signed requestCorrupt last byte of loaded OCSP response signature (for test)Number of minutes before next updateNumber of requests to accept (default unlimited)File with the DER-encoded requestCertificate to sign OCSP request withAdditional certificates to include in signed requestNumber of days before next updateResponder certificate to sign responses withResponder key to sign responses withResponder key pass phrase sourceOther certificates to include in responseDigest Algorithm to use in signature of OCSP responseOCSP response signature parameter in n:v formUse specified algorithm for cert id in responseAny supported digest algorithm (sha1,sha256, ... )TCP/IP hostname:port to connect toDon't add OCSP nonce to requestDon't check signature on responseIdentify response by signing certificate key IDDon't check signing certificatePrint text form of request and responseDon't do additional checks on signing certificateDo not explicitly check the chain, just verify the rootDon't verify additional certificatesDon't search certificates contained in response for signerFile with the DER-encoded responseAdditional certificates to search for signerMaximum validity discrepancy in secondsPrivate key to sign OCSP request withOutput file for the DER-encoded requestOutput file for the DER-encoded responseMAC algorithm parameters in n:v formSee 'PARAMETER NAMES' in the EVP_MAC_ docsInput file to MAC (default is stdin)Output in binary format (default is hexadecimal)List of message digest commands (deprecated)List of message digest algorithmsList of key derivation and pseudo random function algorithmsList the primary, public and private random number generator detailsList of random number generatorsList of message authentication code algorithmsList of cipher commands (deprecated)List of symmetric cipher algorithmsList of key exchange algorithmsList of key encapsulation mechanism algorithmsList of asymmetric cipher algorithmsList options for specified commandList built in objects (OID<->name mappings)KDF algorithm control parameters in n:v formSee 'Supported Controls' in the EVP_KDF_ docs The size of the output derived keyDefault configuration file directoryDefault engine module directoryDefault module directory (other than engine modules)Configured extension for modules(deprecated) Use 3 for the E valueUse the Fermat number F4 (0x10001) for the E valueOutput the key to specified fileapps/rehash.capps/req.cprivate key from -inkey fileprivate key from -in filecertpbe and -descertiter and -noiterEnter MAC Password:Can't read Password certificates from -in fileError getting chain: %s Enter Export Password:Enter Import Password:MAC: , Iteration %ld apps/pkcs12.cPKCS12KDFWarning: MAC is absent! PKCS7 Data PKCS7 Encrypted data: unable to load PKCS7 object %s: Unknown PBE algorithm %s %s: Unknown PRF algorithm %s Error converting key Error setting PBE algorithm Enter Encryption Password:Error encrypting key Error reading key Enter Password:Error decrypting key apps/pkcs8.cPublic KeyKey is valid Key is invalid apps/pkey.cError reading parameters Parameters are valid Parameters are invalid oneshot sign/verify bufferError reading raw input data buffer outputError signing raw input data apps/pkeyutl.cError: out of memory peer keyError reading peer key %s Enter %s: user abort entry failed failed to get '%s' Can't open signature file %s Error reading signature data Error reading input Data Public Key operation error Key derivation failed isis notSpecify the number of bits. Out of memory. Failed to generate prime. apps/prime.cFailed to process value (%s) (%s) %s prime hash bucketcollision bucketSkipping %s, can't write filename bufferDoing %s Skipping %s, out of memory %s%s%slink %s -> %s %s%s%n%08x.%s%d%s: Can't unlink %s, %s %s: Can't symlink %s, %s unlink %s PrivateKeyInfopkcs1RSA-PSSNot an RSA key Modulus=RSA key ok RSA key not ok writing RSA key apps/rsa.chold rsa keyoutput rsa keyRSA operation error apps/rsautl.cpsk_client_cb created identity '%s' len=%d apps/s_client.ccreated PSK len=%ld Error in PSK client callback Can't use SSL_get_servername SERVERINFO FOR EXTENSION %d%.*s %02X %s '%s' too long Can't find keygen engine %s Serial number supplied twice Duplicate extension: %s input_passwordoutput_passwordreq_extensionsdefault_bitsUnable to determine key type Error setting keysize Key parameter error "%s" default_keyfileWriting private key to stdout encrypt_rsa_keyencrypt_key----- X509 requestissuer cert from -CA argpromptdistinguished_nameUnable to get '%s' section _min_maxDN defaultDN valueAttribute defaultAttribute valueError adding attribute Error getting public key Error printing certificate Modulus is unavailable Wrong Algorithm typeClient_identitycrtcerWarning: -%s option ignored with -export Warning: output encryption option -%s ignored with -export Warning: -%s option ignored without -export Error getting certificate file password Option -twopass cannot be used with -passout or -password Option -twopass cannot be used with -passin or -password Nothing to export due to -noout or -nocerts and -nokeys Warning: -chain option ignored with -nocerts No certificate in -in file %s No cert in -in file '%s' matches private key No end entity certificate to check with -chain extra certificates from -certfileError creating PKCS12 structure for %s Error creating PKCS12 MAC; no PKCS12KDF support? Use -nomac if MAC not required and PKCS12KDF support not available. MAC length: %ld, salt length: %ld Error verifying PKCS12 MAC; no PKCS12KDF support. Use -nomacver if MAC verification is not required. Mac verify error: invalid password? Warning: using broken algorithm Error outputting keys and certificates unable to allocate PKCS7 object Warning: The -text option is ignored with -text_pub Warning: The -traditional is ignored since there is no PEM output Warning: The -passout option is ignored without a cipher option Error: Cipher options are supported only for PEM output Error: Text output cannot be combined with DER output Error: unable to determine file size for oneshot operation Error verifying raw input data %s: -rawin can only be used with -sign or -verify %s: -digest can only be used with -rawin %s: -rev cannot be used with raw input %s: no KDF length given (-kdflen parameter). %s: no private key given (-inkey parameter). %s: no peer key given (-peerkey parameter). A private key is needed for this operation The given KDF "%s" is unknown. %s: Error initializing context %s: Error setting up peer key %s: Can't set parameter "%s": %s: Signature file specified for non verify %s: No signature file specified for verify Error: The input data looks too long to be a hash Signature Verified Successfully Signature Verification Failure %s: warning: skipping duplicate %s in %s %s: error: hash table overflow for %s %s: error: skipping %s, cannot open file %s: warning: skipping %s,it does not contain exactly one certificate or CRL %s: error calculating SHA1 hash value Only private keys can be checked RSA unable to create PKEY context NULL received PSK identity hint, continuing anyway Received PSK identity hint '%s' Could not convert PSK key '%s' to buffer psk buffer of callback is too small (%d) for key (%ld) Error finding suitable ciphersuite Protocols advertised by server: issuer private key from -CAkey argissuer private key from -CA arg%s: -days parameter arg must be >= -1 Ignoring -days without -x509; not generating a certificate Ignoring -copy_extensions 'none' when -x509 is not given Using additional configuration from -addext options Problems opening '%s' for extra OIDs Error checking x509 extension section %s Error checking extensions defined using -addext Error checking request extension section %s Parameter file requested but no path given: %s Cannot open parameter file %s Key type does not match parameters Error allocating keygen context Error initializing keygen context Private key length too short, needs to be at least %d bits, not %ld. Warning: It is not recommended to use more than %d bit for RSA keys. Your key size is %ld! Larger key size may behave not as expected. Warning: It is not recommended to use more than %d bit for DSA keys. Your key size is %ld! Larger key size may behave not as expected. Warning: Ignoring -CAkey option since no -CA option is given Issuer CA certificate and key do not match Must provide a signature key using -key or provide -CA / -CAkey Error: No objects specified in config file You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request No template, please set one up. Error making certificate request Warning: No -copy_extensions given; ignoring any extensions in the request Error copying extensions from request Warning: Signature key and public key of cert do not match Error adding x509 extensions from section %s Error adding extensions defined via -addext Error adding poison extension Error adding request extensions from section %s Modifying subject of certificate request Error modifying subject of certificate request Certificate request self-signature verify failure Certificate request self-signature verify OK Error printing certificate request Unable to write certificate request Unable to write X509 certificate [؇ȇp`P@0 Јh@Њ`H0ЉhHd̤\ ,ԧ̪Ĭd4ܫlTD4\,̶|dL4$ Էķ|LؼȾ(L, lTD4 \L8`xh 8(p`Px`P@8(0+x8 P`xpP 88`H0P pX@(hexdecodeOCSP response: no response sent response parse error NOT--- Certificate chain %2d s: i: v:NotBefore: ; NotAfter: Server certificate --- SCTs present (%i) SCT validation status: %s --- --- New, %s, Cipher is %s Server public key is %d bit Compression: %s Expansion: %s Using Kernel TLS for sending Next protocol: (%d) ALPN protocol: No ALPN negotiated Early data was not sent Early data was rejected Early data was accepted Verify return code: %ld (%s) Keying material exporter: Label: '%s' Length: %i bytes export key Error Keying material: --- Reused, smtpIPv6 IPv4 unix mail.example.comlocalhost%s: out of memory cbufsbufmbufError writing file %s Not a hex number '%s' %s: Value must be one of: %s: Can't use both -4 and -6 Can't use -sctp without DTLS Error getting proxy password client certificateclient certificate chainError adding CRL Unable to create BIO Error setting verify params Error loading CA names Error setting SRTP profile Error parsing -alpn argument Error setting ALPN Unable to set SRP username Can't open session file %s Can't set session apps/lib/s_socket.cconnect:errno=%d CONNECTED(%08X) Turned on non blocking io memory allocation failure getsockname:errno=%d Failed to set MTU LHLO %s EHLO %s STARTTLSSTLS BIO_read failed . CAPABILITY . STARTTLS AUTH TLS ' Error getting client auth engine SRP minimal length for N is %d %s: Max Fragment Len %u is out of permitted values%s: cannot provide both -connect option and target parameter %s: Can't use -servername and -noservername together %s: Can't use -dane_tlsa_domain and -noservername together Cannot supply -nextprotoneg with TLSv1.3 %s: -connect argument or target parameter malformed or ambiguous %s: -proxy requires use of -connect or target parameter %s: -proxy argument malformed or ambiguous %s: -bind argument parameter malformed or ambiguous Can't use unix sockets and datagrams together Error parsing -nextprotoneg argument Error getting private key password Error: Must specify proxy_user with proxy_pass client certificate private keyError using configuration "%s" %s: Max send fragment size %u is out of permitted range %s: Split send fragment size %u is out of permitted range %s: Max pipelines %u is out of permitted range %s: Max Fragment Length code %u is out of permitted values Error loading store locations Error setting client auth engine PSK key given, setting client callback Can't open PSK session file %s Can't read PSK session file %s Warning: Unable to add custom extension %u, skipping %s: Error enabling DANE TLSA authentication. Unable to set TLS servername extension. %s: DANE TLSA authentication requires at least one -dane_tlsa_rrdata option. %s: warning: bad TLSA %s field in: %s %s: warning: unusable TLSA rrdata: %s %s: warning: error loading TLSA rrdata: %s %s: Failed to import any TLSA records. %s: DANE TLSA authentication requires the -dane_tlsa_domain option. assertion failed: (family == AF_UNSPEC || family == BIO_ADDRINFO_family(ai)) && (type == 0 || type == BIO_ADDRINFO_socktype(ai)) && (protocol == 0 || protocol == BIO_ADDRINFO_protocol(ai))Can't bind %saddress for %s%s%s MTU too small. Must be at least %ld Didn't find STARTTLS in server response, trying anyway... Timeout waiting for response (%d seconds). Server does not support STARTTLS. MySQL packet length does not match. Only MySQL protocol version 10 is supported. Cannot confirm server version. MySQL server handshake packet is broken. MySQL server does not support SSL. ldap_ExtendedResponse_parse failed STARTTLS failed, LDAP Result Code: %i drop connection and then reconnect Error: client did not send PSK identity PSK warning: client identity not what we expected (got '%s' expected '%s') cert_status: Cannot open OCSP response file cert_status: Error reading OCSP response cert_status: can't parse AIA URL cert_status: no AIA and no default responder URL cert_status: Can't retrieve issuer certificate. cert_status: error querying responder cert_status: ocsp response sent: ALPN protocols advertised by the client: %4ld items in the session cache %4ld client connects (SSL_connect()) %4ld client renegotiates (SSL_connect()) %4ld client connects that finished %4ld server accepts (SSL_accept()) %4ld server renegotiates (SSL_accept()) %4ld server accepts that finished %4ld cache full overflows (%ld allowed) %s: -port argument malformed or ambiguous %s: -accept argument malformed or ambiguous verify depth is %d, must return a certificate Error parsing -status_url argument Invalid value for max_early_data Invalid value for recv_max_early_data Can't use -HTTP, -www or -WWW with DTLS Can only use -listen with DTLS Can only use --stateless with TLS Can't use -early_data in combination with -www, -WWW, -HTTP, or -rev Can't use -sendfile without -WWW or -HTTP server certificate private keysecond server certificate private keysecond certificate private keysecond server certificate chainwarning: id_prefix is too long, only one new session will be possible Setting secondary ctx parameters Using default temp DH parameters Error setting temp DH parameters PSK key given, setting server callback PSK warning: there is NO identity hint in TLSv1.3 error setting PSK identity hint to context error setting session id context Failed to initialize SRP verifier file Cannot initialize SRP verifier file "%s":ret=%d assertion failed: (family == AF_UNSPEC || family == BIO_ADDRINFO_family(res)) && (type == 0 || type == BIO_ADDRINFO_socktype(res)) && (protocol == 0 || protocol == BIO_ADDRINFO_protocol(res));@:Q]KBKCONNIMRIRR %d Failed to initiate requestLOOKUP renego during write Write BLOCK (Async) Write BLOCK ERROR ERROR - memory ERROR - unable to connect LOOKUP during accept %s DELAY verify error:%s LOOKUP renego during read Read BLOCK (Async) Read BLOCK CONNECTION CLOSED shutting down SSL server www bufferGET GET /stats GET /renegcertSSL_renegotiate -> %d SSL_do_handshake() Retval %d
GET /'%s' contains '..' or ':' '%s' is an invalid path '%s' is a directory FILE:%s .html.php.htmError fstat '%s' Error SSL_sendfile '%s' KTLS SENDFILE '%s' OK rwrite W BLOCK GET /renegserver rev bufferCONNECTION FAILURE LOOKUP renego during accept CLOSEget sessionError encoding session get session bufferLookup session: cache hit Lookup session: cache miss localhost:4433%s: verify depth is %d %s: -www option is too long SSL_CIPHERUnable to get connection startingunable to load SSL_SESSION Context too long Error setting id context No certificate present unable to write SSL_SESSION unable to write X509 Error reading S/MIME message apps/smime.cmdc2whirlpoolripemd160RSA sign failure ECDSA sign failure RSA verify failure ECDSA verify failure EdDSA sign failure EdDSA verify failure Failure in the job Failure in the select EC params init failure. EC key generation failure. Error setting session id context Error clearing SSL connection Error waiting for client response HTTP/1.0 200 ok Content-type: text/html Ciphers supported in s_server binary --- Ciphers common between both SSL end points: no client certificate available HTTP/1.0 200 ok Content-type: text/plain Error opening '%s' mode='%s' Warning: sendfile requested but KTLS is not available '%s' is an invalid file name Out of memory adding to external cache Unexpected session encoding length New session added to external cache unable to get certificate from '%s' unable to get private key from '%s' Private key does not match the certificate public key Collecting connection statistics for %d seconds %d connections in %.2fs; %.2f connections/user sec, bytes read %ld %d connections in %ld real seconds, %ld bytes read per connection Now timing with session id reuse.0 connections in %ld real seconds %s: Must have -signer before -inkey No operation (-encrypt|-sign|...) specified Error allocating PKCS7 object Bad input format for PKCS#7 file Error creating PKCS#7 structure Error decrypting PKCS#7 structure Bad output format for PKCS#7 file Too many fds in ASYNC_WAIT_CTX Error: max_fd (%d) must be smaller than FD_SETSIZE (%d). Decrease the value of async_jobs WARNING: the error queue contains previous unhandled errors. Unhandled error in the error queue during EC key setup. XXX: ChP8 xhHhxX@  x ` P @ 0 4 4$tdTD4$ddT<$ lT|dTDl 8(@ @GET %s HTTP/1.0 Lets print some clear text +R:%d:%s:%f %d %s's in %.2fs %s error! rsa512ffdh2048dsa512ecdsap224ecdhp224+DT:%s:%d:%d +DTP:%d:%s:%s:%d +R1:%ld:%d:%.2f +R2:%ld:%d:%.2f +R3:%ld:%u:%.2f +R4:%ld:%u:%.2f +R5:%ld:%u:%.2f +R6:%ld:%u:%.2f +R7:%ld:%d:%.2f +R8:%ld:%u:%s:%.2f +R9:%ld:%u:%s:%.2f +R12:%ld:%d:%.2f :%d%7d bytes:%.2f %11.2f %s: %s is an unknown digest %s: %s is an unknown cipher %s: multi argument too large %s: too many async_jobs %s: Maximum offset is %d shaopensslffdhaescamelliaecdsaecdheddsaed25519ed448%s: Unknown algorithm %s %s is not an AEAD cipher array of loopargsError: buffer size too large ECDH secret aECDH secret bFFDH secret aFFDH secret bfd buffer for do_multipipe failure Forked child %d dup failed apps/speed.cGot: %s from %d +F:+F2:+F3:+F4:+F5:+F6:+F8:+H:Child exited with %d GMACHMAC namehmac(%s)aes-128-gcmmultiblock input buffermultiblock output bufferevp_cipher keyfailed to set cipher key failed to set AEAD key failed to get cipher name +H+F:%d:%stype %-24s %11.2fk EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new failure EVP_CipherInit_ex failure CMACCMAC namecmac(%s)privECDH key generation failure. ECDH computation failure. EdDSA failure. FFDH key generation failure. FFDH computation failure. options: %s type +F:%u:%s%-13s+F2:%u:%u:%f:%f +F3:%u:%u:%f:%f +F4:%u:%u:%f:%f +F5:%u:%u:%f:%f %30sop op/s +F6:%u:%u:%s:%f:%f +F8:%u:%u:%f:%f %23sop op/s %4u bits ffdh %8.4fs %8.1f MD5Error setting public key Error signing SPKAC apps/spkac.cSPKAC=%s Can't find SPKAC called "%s" Error loading SPKAC Signature OK Signature Failure Pass %s apps/srp.cUser entryg N entryNeed at least one user. default_srpDatabase initialised Default g and NStarting user processing Processing user "%s" List all users user "%s" reactivated. row pointersfailed to update srpvfile Password for user "%s" ok. user "%s" revoked. t User procession done. Trying to update srpvfile. Temporary srpvfile created. srpvfile updated. User errors %d. %*sCouldn't open file or uri %s %d: %s: %s %d: %s !!! Unknown code Total found: %d %s: criterion already given. %s: subject already given. %s: issuer already given. %s: alias already given. apps/storeutl.cffdh3072ffdh4096ffdh6144ffdh8192Ed25519Ed448nistp224nistp256nistp384nistp521brainpoolP256r1brainpoolP256t1brainpoolP384r1brainpoolP384t1brainpoolP512r1brainpoolP512t1X25519X448hmac(md5)blowfishghashecdhp256ecdhp384ecdhp521ecdhbrp256r1ecdhbrp256t1ecdhbrp384r1ecdhbrp384t1ecdhbrp512r1ecdhbrp512t1ecdhx25519ecdhx448ecdsap256ecdsap384ecdsap521ecdsabrp256r1ecdsabrp256t1ecdsabrp384r1ecdsabrp384t1ecdsabrp512r1ecdsabrp512t1dsa1024dsa2048rsa1024rsa2048rsa3072rsa4096rsa7680rsa15360ripemdcast5Doing %s for %ds on %d size blocks: Doing %u bits %s %s's for %ds: %ld %u bits private RSA's in %.2fs %ld %u bits public RSA's in %.2fs %ld %u bits DSA signs in %.2fs %ld %u bits DSA verify in %.2fs %ld %u bits ECDSA signs in %.2fs %ld %u bits ECDSA verify in %.2fs %ld %u-bits ECDH ops in %.2fs %ld %u bits %s signs in %.2fs %ld %u bits %s verify in %.2fs %ld %u-bits FFDH ops in %.2fs %s: -evp option cannot be used more than once %s: %s is an unknown cipher or digest %s: async_jobs specified but async not supported -aead can be used only with an AEAD cipher -mb can be used only with a multi-block capable cipher %s is not a multi-block capable Async mode is not supported with -mbError creating the ASYNC job pool Error creating the ASYNC_WAIT_CTX Don't understand line '%s' from child %d Unknown type '%s' from child %d Waitng for child failed with 0x%x Child terminated by signal %d You have chosen to measure elapsed time instead of user CPU time. failed to allocate cipher context failed to initialise cipher context Impossible negative key length: %d failed to generate random cipher key The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed. Requested CMAC cipher with unsupported key length. ECDH computations don't match. EdDSA verify failure. No EdDSA verify will be done. Error while initialising EVP_PKEY (out of memory?). Error while allocating EVP_PKEY_CTX. Error while initialising EVP_PKEY_CTX. Error setting DH key size for keygen. FFDH derivation context init failure. Assigning peer key for derivation failed. Checking size of shared secret failed. Assertion failure: shared secret too large. Shared secret derive failure. FFDH computations don't match. The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.%18ssign verify sign/s verify/s rsa %4u bits %8.6fs %8.6fs %8.1f %8.1f dsa %4u bits %8.6fs %8.6fs %8.1f %8.1f %30ssign verify sign/s verify/s %4u bits ecdsa (%s) %8.4fs %8.4fs %8.1f %8.1f %4u bits ecdh (%s) %8.4fs %8.1f %4u bits EdDSA (%s) %8.4fs %8.4fs %8.1f %8.1f RSA verify setup failure. No RSA verify will be done. RSA sign setup failure. No RSA sign will be done. DSA verify setup failure. No DSA verify will be done. DSA sign setup failure. No DSA sign will be done. ECDSA verify setup failure. No ECDSA verify will be done. ECDSA sign setup failure. No ECDSA sign will be done. EdDSA sign failure. No EdDSA sign will be done. Validating user="%s" srp_verifier="%s" srp_usersalt="%s" g="%s" N="%s" assertion failed: srp_usersalt != NULLInternal error validating SRP verifier Creating user="%s" g="%s" N="%s" Internal error creating SRP verifier gNid=%s salt ="%s" verifier ="%s" %s: Only one of -add/-delete/-modify/-list -srpvfile and -configfile cannot be specified together. Exactly one of the options -add, -delete, -modify -list must be specified. -passin, -passout arguments only valid with one user. trying to read default_srp in srp trying to read srpvfile in section "%s" Trying to read SRP verifier file "%s" No g and N value for index "%s" Database has no g N information. user "%s" does not exist, ignored. t Cannot create srp verifier for user "%s", operation abandoned . user "%s" does not exist, operation ignored. user "%s" already updated, operation ignored. Verifying password for user "%s" Invalid password for user "%s", operation abandoned. Cannot create srp verifier for user "%s", operation abandoned. user "%s" does not exist, operation ignored. t SRP terminating with code %d. %s: the store scheme doesn't support the given search criteria. ERROR: OSSL_STORE_load() returned NULL without eof or error indications This is an error in the loader %s: only one search type can be given. %s: serial number already given. %s: can't parse serial number argument. %s: fingerprint already given. %s: can't parse fingerprint argument. %s: can't parse alias argument. %s: both -issuer and -serial must be given. (#(k**))))x)#@)( ' ' 'l#''S'&$'XHؙH0ȚؘphxاhhP@(ss`(8̿ Dl, @ @0123456789ab4Vx4VxVx4x4V4Vx4VxVx4This is a key...@@@?apps/lib/engine_loader.cN/AOpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022%s (Library: %s) options: Seeding source: %s error: allocation failed has expirednot yet validis not a CA cert%s Policies: pass phraseapps/lib/engine.corg.openssl.engine:%.*sRANDFILECan't load %s into RNG Can't duplicate %s apps/lib/app_x509.chexdistidpass:env:No environment variable %s file:Can't open file %s Can't open BIO for stdin %s: Can't load %s: Error on line %ld of config file "%s" config inputoid_sectiondigest bufferapps/ts.cparamsOut of memory loadinginput-typeError readingCould not read any from %s of %shttps://http://Unable to load %s CRL via CDP%s: OK Chain: depth=%d: (untrusted)copycopyallError loading file %s Error loading directory %s Error loading store URI %s File name too long %s.%sTrueFalseRequire explicit Policy: %s AuthorityUser[CRL path] NPN buffersubjectKeyIdentifierkeyid, issuerauthorityKeyIdentifierHARNESS_OSSL_PREFIXabwbappendingwriting(doing something)Can't open %s, %s Can't open "%s" for %s, %s calling fstat(%s)%s.attrnew DBallocate async fdsError getting password. cannot convert %s to OID nonce buffercould not create nonce could not create query Verification: invalid digest string extra untrusted certsFAILEDResponse is not generated. Response has been generated. (undefined)P12TEXTNSSParameter %s '%s' asymmetricGenerating %s key with %d bits %s: Error generating %s key autoEnabling auto ENGINE support dynamicSO_PATHLOADInvalid engine "%s" SET_USER_INTERFACECannot use engine "%s" Engine "%s" set. %-15s %s other CRLsInvalid date format: %s explicitly set public keycertificate request inputSET x509v3 extension 3SET.ex32.99999.3serial# bufferapps/x509.cSHA1serial= Certificate purposes: %s%s : Yes (WARNING code=%d) No Yes CAnotBefore=notAfter=Unknown digest No extensions in certificate Invalid extension names: %s Certificate will expire Certificate will not expire Unable to write certificate Error setting up accept BIOError starting acceptError printing ACCEPT stringGET or Awaiting next request...Request line read errorBad RequestError reading HTTP headerConnectionkeep-aliveclosePOST PEM/DERmsblobnsshttppvkesc_2253esc_2254esc_ctrlesc_msbuse_quoteignore_typeshow_typedump_alldump_nostrdump_dersep_comma_plussep_comma_plus_spacesep_semi_plus_spacesep_multilinedn_revnofnamesnamelnamespace_eqdump_unknownRFC2253onelineTypical uses: [-text] [-engine id]Warning: could not open file %s for reading, using serial number: 1 unable to load number from %s Error during serial number generation.could not save serial number to %s Warning: -ext should not specify copying %s extension to CSR; ignoring this error: setting distinguishing ID in certificate failed error: setting distinguishing ID in certificate signing request failed Warning: certificate from '%s' with subject '%s' %s The server does not support (a suitable version of) TLSThe server does not support HTTPSCannot authenticate server via its TLS certificate, likely due to mismatch with our trusted TLS certs or missing revocation statusTLS handshake failure. Possibly the server requires our TLS certificate but did not receive itServer did not accept our TLS certificate, likely due to mismatch with server's trust anchor or missing revocation statusNo engine specified for loading %s No engine key id specified for loading %s Can't access file descriptor %s Invalid password argument, missing ':' within the first %d chars Invalid password argument, starting with "%.*s" Error reading password from BIO Error getting password for %s Trying plain input string (better precede with 'pass:') Out of memory getting password for %s problem loading oid section %s problem creating object %s=%s bad digest, %d bytes must be specified Internal error: nothing to load from %s No filename or uri specified for loadingCould not open file or uri for loadingLoading %s over HTTPS is unsupported error %s: X.509 store context allocation failed error %s: X.509 store context initialization failed error %s: verification failed Unable to load %s from %s (unexpected parameters type) error: HTTP retrieval not allowed for %s Error with certificate to be certified - should be self-signed Error with certificate - error %d at depth %d %s error converting serial to ASN.1 format Error creating serial number index:(%ld,%ld,%ld) Error creating name index:(%ld,%ld,%ld) %serror %d at %d depth lookup: %s assertion failed: mode == 'a' || mode == 'r' || mode == 'w'Error configuring OpenSSL modules %s: Can't open "%s" for writing, %s %s: unable to load provider %s Hint: use -provider-path option or OPENSSL_MODULES environment variable. %s: Bad format "%s"; must be pem or der Warning: generating random key material may take a long time if the system has a poor entropy source Warning: generating random key parameters may take a long time if the system has a poor entropy source %s: Generating %s key parameters failed Recognized certificate chain purposes: Recognized certificate policy names: %s: Cannot use -trusted with -CAfile, -CApath or -CAstore Error while verifying certificate request self-signature Certificate request self-signature did not match the contents Invalid extension copy option: %s %s: Invalid trust object value %s %s: Invalid reject object value %s Cannot use -preserve_dates with -days option The -in option cannot be used with -new The -req option cannot be used with -new The -new option requires a subject to be set using -subj The -new option requires using the -key or -force_pubkey option Cannot use both -key/-signkey and -CA option Warning: ignoring -CAkey option since -CA option is not given Warning: ignoring -CAkeyform option since -CA option is not given Warning: ignoring -CAform option since -CA option is not given Warning: ignoring -CAserial option since -CA option is not given Warning: ignoring -CAcreateserial option since -CA option is not given Warning: ignoring -extensions option without -extfile Error checking extension section %s Error unpacking public key from CSR Certificate request self-signature ok Warning: ignoring -copy_extensions since neither -x509toreq nor -req is given Warning: ignoring -preserve_dates option with -req or -new We need a private key to sign with, use -key or -CAkey or -CA with private key Must not use -clrext together with -copy_extensions Warning: Ignoring -ext since -clrext is given Serial number increment failure Error adding extensions from section %s Must specify request signing key using -key Error copying extensions from certificate No modulus for this public key typeNo extensions matched with %s Hostname %s does%s match certificate Email %s does%s match certificate IP %s does%s match certificate Bad output format specified for outfile Awaiting new connection on port %s...Received request, 1st line: %sInvalid %s -- URL does not begin with '/': %sInvalid %s -- bad HTTP/version string: %sInvalid %s request -- bad URL encoding: %sCould not allocate base64 bio with size = %dHTTP request does not begin with %sPOST: %sError parsing HTTP header: missing ':'Error parsing HTTP header: missing end of lineError parsing DER-encoded request contentOut of memory allocating %zu bytes openssl ts -query [-rand file...] [-config file] [-data file] [-digest hexstring] [-tspolicy oid] [-no_nonce] [-cert] [-in file] [-out file] [-text] openssl ts -reply [-config file] [-section tsa_section] [-queryfile file] [-passin password] [-signer tsa_cert.pem] [-inkey private_key.pem] [-chain certs_file.pem] [-tspolicy oid] [-in file] [-token_in] [-out file] [-token_out] openssl ts -verify -CApath dir -CAfile root-cert.pem -CAstore uri -untrusted extra-certs.pem [-data file] [-digest hexstring] [-queryfile request.tsq] -in response.tsr [-token_in] ...`ȨhPЧphx`pX@0x`H0 #!(%$$$$\"##&("0& &&7-,6,1\1l1/00000L0d0/2|0|/|/556,6/0\6t64445|5555//33,3D3\3t333333 4$4l4L7747|11111112,2D2|22222 HTTP/1.load_indexECDSAgost2001gost2012_256gost2012_512valinfileoutfile+intulongPEM|DER|ENGINEPEM|DERnonneguintmaxparma hexadecimal0Xan octaldepth=%d verify error:num=%d:%s issuer= verify return:%d SSL_connectSSL_acceptundefinedwriteSSL3 alert %s:%s:%s %s:failed in %s %s:error in %s >>><<<, ???, warning, fatal, ChangeCipherSpec, Alert, RecordHeader, InnerContent, ApplicationData, Handshake, Unknown (content_type=%d)%s %s%s [length %04lx]%s%s %02xmemory full Failed getting peer address apps/lib/s_cb.cassertion failed: length != 0cookie generate bufferNOT OKNOT OK %s: %s Suite B: not tested prepend certSecurity callback: Version=%s%s=Public key missing%s, bits=%d digest=%s, algorithm=%s scheme=unknown(0x%04x), security bits=%d scheme=%sSRP parameters: N= g=SRP param N and g rejected. SRP username = "%s" User %s doesn't exist Shared Requested Signature Algorithms: +%s+0x%02X%s: %s: Connection: keep-alive { }apps/lib/opt.c%s: Bad format "%s" p12PKCS12%s XTS ciphers not supported assertion failed: vpm != NULL%s: Invalid Policy %s %s: Invalid purpose %s %s: Invalid verify name %s %s: Option -%s needs a value %s: Not a directory: %s %s: Unknown option: -%s (No additional info)Usage: %s [options] Valid options are: Parameters: %s %s error setting certificate error setting private key Missing filename Server Certificateserver keyserver chain%s: Error adding xcert %s: Key already specified %s: Chain already specified signed the certificatematched TA certificatematched EE certificateVerification: OK Verified peername: %s Verification error: %s TLSA hex data buffer0123456789abcdefError finishing context Error writing keylog file %s %s:%s [%s]:%sACCEPT PID=%dunknown:error apps/lib/apps_ui.cUser interface error aborted! SRP password bufferSRP userapps/lib/tlssrp_depr.cLOOKUP done %s LOOKUP not successful %s [%s]:salt bufferrounds=%u%s %s unknown typeintegerUTF8 encoded stringoctet stringunsigned pointer to a pointer to an %*s%s: [%d] (arbitrary size) (max %zu bytes large)%*s %s [Success]: %s [Failure]: %s Unable to rename %s to %s %s.attr.%sUnable to open '%s' unique_subject = %s invalid revocation date %s missing hold instruction invalid object identifier %s missing compromised time invalid compromised time %s invalid reason code %s %s: Out of memory ExpiredRevokedValidundefPRINTABLE:'T61STRING:'IA5STRING:'UNIVERSALSTRING:'ASN.1 %2d:'\0x%02X^%coptionalsuppliedmatchType :%s Was revoked on:%s Expires on :%s Serial Number :%s File name :%s Subject Name :%s Certificate Details: (%ld days)Sign the certificate? [y/n]:row expdaterow spacecertificate requestError unpacking public key Server Temp Key: RSA, %d bits DH, %d bits ECDH, %s, %d bits groups to printSupported groups: Shared groups: ansiX962_compressed_primeansiX962_compressed_char2unknown(%d)Protocol version: %s assertion failed: num == 2Client cipher list: Ciphersuite: %s Peer certificate: Hash used: %s Signature type: %s No peer certificate Client Certificate Types: UNKNOWN (%d),Peer signing digest: %s Peer signature type: %s %s "%s" %d = "%s" , , %s, %s, Iteration %ld, PRF %s, Iteration %ldKey bag Bag AttributesKey AttributesShrouded Keybag: Certificate bag Secret bag Bag Type: Bag Value: Safe Contents bag RSA signRSA fixed DHDSS fixed DHECDSA signRSA fixed ECDHECDSA fixed ECDHGOST01 SignGOST12 SignSHA224SHA384SHA512anonymousrsa_pkcs1_sha1ecdsa_sha1rsa_pkcs1_sha256ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256rsa_pkcs1_sha384ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384rsa_pkcs1_sha512ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512rsa_pss_rsae_sha256rsa_pss_rsae_sha384rsa_pss_rsae_sha512rsa_pss_pss_sha256rsa_pss_pss_sha384rsa_pss_pss_sha512gostr34102001gostr34102012_256gostr34102012_512Supported CiphersuiteShared CiphersuiteCheck CiphersuiteTemp DH key bitsSupported CurveShared CurveCheck CurveSupported Signature AlgorithmShared Signature AlgorithmCheck Signature AlgorithmSignature Algorithm maskCertificate chain EE keyCertificate chain CA keyPeer Chain EE keyPeer Chain CA keyCertificate chain CA digestPeer chain CA digestSSL compressionSession ticketOverall ValiditySign with EE keyEE signatureCA signatureEE key parametersCA key parametersExplicitly sign with EE keyIssuer NameCertificate Typeserver namemax fragment lengthclient certificate URLtrusted CA keystruncated HMACstatus requestuser mappingclient authzserver authzcert typesupported_groupsEC point formatsSRPuse SRTPsession ticketrenegotiation infosigned certificate timestampsTLS paddingnext protocolencrypt-then-macextended master secretkey sharesupported versionspsk kex modescertificate authoritiespost handshake auth, HelloRequest, ClientHello, ServerHello, HelloVerifyRequest, NewSessionTicket, EndOfEarlyData, EncryptedExtensions, Certificate, ServerKeyExchange, CertificateRequest, ServerHelloDone, CertificateVerify, ClientKeyExchange, Finished, CertificateUrl, CertificateStatus, SupplementalData, KeyUpdate, NextProto, MessageHash close_notify end_of_early_data unexpected_message bad_record_mac decryption_failed record_overflow decompression_failure handshake_failure bad_certificate unsupported_certificate certificate_revoked certificate_expired certificate_unknown illegal_parameter unknown_ca access_denied decode_error decrypt_error export_restriction protocol_version insufficient_security internal_error inappropriate_fallback user_canceled no_renegotiation missing_extension unsupported_extension certificate_unobtainable unrecognized_name bad_certificate_hash_value unknown_psk_identity certificate_requiredSSL 3.0TLS 1.1TLS 1.2TLS 1.3DTLS 1.0DTLS 1.0 (bad) QPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP QPPPPPPPPPPPP(QPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPQPQPPQPPXSXSRXSXSXSXSXSXSHTSXSXSHTSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSXSpTRR+RRRRRRRSSRRSSRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSRRRSRRRRRR.S>SRR.S>SRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRzRxq8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8pXpxp8p8p q8p8p8p8p8qp8ppo8p8ppq8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8p8pXpxp8p8p q8p8p8p8p8qp8ppo8p8ppqzyyPyyxxxxuxxXx8xxwwwwxwXw8wwvvvvxv`v0vv}|||||||||||||||||||||Y|Y|||||||c}|||||||C~|||||||||||||Y|||Y||||||}||||||||}<ԅıdD4tsave_free_certsrounds=Keylog callback is invoked without valid file! %s: Bad format "%s"; must be one of: %s: Can't parse "%s" as %s number %s: Can't parse "%s" as a number TLS %s extension "%s" (id=%d), len=%d read from %p [%p] (%zu bytes => %zu (0x%zX)) read from %p [%p] (%zu bytes => %d) write to %p [%p] (%zu bytes => %zu (0x%zX)) write to %p [%p] (%zu bytes => %d) Not TLS data or unknown version (version=%d, content_type=%d)error setting random cookie secret Error calculating HMAC-SHA1 of buffer with secret Checking cert chain %d: Subject: s_cb.c:security_callback_debug op=0x%xSRP param N and g are not known params, going to check deeper. SRP parameters set: username = "%s" info="%s" HTTP/1.0 200 OK %sContent-type: %s Content-Length: %d assertion failed: unknown == NULLassertion failed: unknown->valtype == 0 || unknown->valtype == '-'%s: AEAD ciphers not supported assertion failed: opt > OPT_V__FIRSTassertion failed: opt < OPT_V__LAST%s: Internal error setting purpose %s %s: Option -%s does not take a value %s: Non-positive number "%s" for option -%s %s: Negative number "%s" for option -%s %s: Invalid format "%s" for option -%s assertion failed: i < (int)sizeof(start)error setting certificate chain error building certificate chain %s: Error initialising xcert %s: %zu-byte buffer too large to hexencode DANE TLSA %d %d %d %s%s %s at depth %d Call to SSL_CONF_cmd(%s, %s) failed # SSL/TLS secrets log file, generated by OpenSSL --- No %s certificate CA names sent --- Acceptable %s certificate CA names Could not allocate %d bytes for %s Missing newline at end of input String too short, must be at least %d bytes long String too long, must be at most %d bytes long Warning: truncating password to %u characters [Error]: internal stack error [Error]: command name too long %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: received %d %s certificate(s), saving to file '%s' %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: saving more than one certificate in non-PEM format%s%s%s %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: could not open file '%s' for writing%s%s error: unsupported type '%s' for writing certificates %s:%s:%d:CMP %s: cannot write certificate to file '%s'%s%s Error creating random number to store in %s Unable to load number from %s Error converting number from bin to BIGNUM %s: %s name is expected to be in the format /type0=value0/type1=value1/type2=... where characters may be escaped by \. This name is not in that format: '%s' %s: Error copying %s name input %s: Missing '=' after RDN type string '%s' in %s name string %s: Escape character at end of %s name string %s: Skipping unknown %s name attribute "%s" Hint: a '+' in a value string needs be escaped using '\' else a new member of a multi-valued RDN is expected %s: No value provided for %s name attribute "%s", skipped %s: Error adding %s name attribute "/%s=%s" invalid type, Data base error The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows emailAddress type needs to be of type IA5STRING The string contains characters that are illegal for the ASN.1 type %s:unknown object type in 'policy' configuration The %s field needed to be supplied and was missing The mandatory %s field was missing The %s field does not exist in the CA certificate, the 'policy' is misconfigured The %s field is different between CA certificate (%s) and the request (%s) %s:invalid type in 'policy' configuration Everything appears to be ok, creating and signing the certificate Extra configuration file found Error adding certificate extensions from extfile section %s Successfully added extensions from file. Error adding certificate extensions from config section %s Successfully added extensions from config ERROR: adding extensions from request The subject name appears to be ok, checking data base for clashes ERROR:There is already a certificate for %s ERROR:Serial number %s has already been issued, check the database/serial_file for corruption Certificate is to be certified until CERTIFICATE WILL NOT BE CERTIFIED: I/O error CERTIFICATE WILL NOT BE CERTIFIED The matching entry has the following details Certificate request and CA private key do not match Signature verification problems... Signature did not match the certificate request Supported Elliptic Curve Point Formats: , Salt length: %d, Cost(N): %ld, Block size(r): %ld, Parallelism(p): %ldWarning unsupported bag type: application layer protocol negotiation bad_certificate_status_response ; pP P2x x 098 @ lСpd@ 0X`@м00`T0h >@p pp q q$!rl!s! t"t@""@(# t##@#$`$%,%h%%@&Px&&p'0T'0'(d(P(`'((4),)4)p5@*06l*7*8* 94+0:+P@+A(,0A<,pAd,A,PB,B,C -Cl-C-pD-D.PET.E.PF.I(/IP/J/J/`K0K80@L0O0PO0OD1 R1pR1S2@U2U2 V2`XX3X3@Y3[04P^4^4^4 0555 6@$6P86T66877@8 89H:\:p::`:L;; <p<<<@=@0=p3,> 7>:>< ?`F?H?H@pI4@T@P^@`AbdAcAdAd0BPfBgCpCCC0hD0DD,E ELFF`F(GG GDH pHPU I ZxIkIP{Jp`JJpJЃ K\KK0KLL`LLб M8M LM@`M`tMMMMMM M@NPN`(NTN`N NO\OкOOP4PpPPPP$Qp\Q QQ QR`HRtRRR0SpSASpIT J@TKTPMTM,UaUpbU`h|VpV pW@pWpp,Wp@WpTWphWp|WqW`rW sWs(XPwtXwXwXxY@ydYyY@zY`zZpzZ{LZ{Z~[0~$[~\[P[[[Ѐ(\0d\p\\Ѓ\\ ]l]]]Ј0^^^ _4___@_(`T` `@$aa`a(btbbc`pcc0d|dd@e`|e e`r? sCs0FtF(t G\tGtItJ0uNuQupRvTv`VwV@wWw@XwpYw\,x\dx]x0^x^y_Dy`py`y@fy0k$zntzozPpzq<{sp{w{x4|x|z|{|{ }}}}P}ЁL~x~~~~(0H`ph@Ѐ 0` @p `h`T0P 0PzRx &D$4aFJ w?:*3$"\$atd}FBB E(D0D8DP 8D0A(B BBBC  8J0A(B BBBM \,MFED D(D0n (A ABBE y (C ABBG t (C ABBD PP\FDD Y IBF w ABF R HBD ~ ABG @(FDD @ DBL q CBJ qCB\ĒFBD D(G0q (D ABBG w (D ABBH w (D ABBH <HBa E QV U(O0IHV U(O0IE<BEK D(GZ (A ABBC H4FED D(G0S (J ABBL a(H FDB$x_BAG ~II4<MBEE R BBF `BBLtȖ FBI E(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBB \(BEE D(A0U8R@VHIPO0 (D BBBE D (A EBBA L$BEE B(D0A8D 8A0A(B BBBF 0t8BDD DP8  DABC Ԭ>FBB B(A0A8G L% 8A0A(B BBBH O%J%V%B%%G%B%H&H&G&G&B&G&G&H&B&G&G&G&H&G&G&G&B'C%%G%B%H&H&G&G&B&G&B&P&E&G&G&G&H&G&G&G&B'C%%G%H%H&H&A&G&H&B&G&E&G&G&G&H&G&G&G&B&G'G'G'k%b%G%H%H&H&A&G&H&B&G&E&G&G&G&H&G&G&G&B&G'G'G'v%LtFIB E(D0C8N 8D0A(B BBBC "FW,"FW8@kBEH G(A0I(D BBB(8tYBJA HAB(dBDD ^ ABE `+BAA { ABF L ABI M(U0O8H@R I (U0O8H@H Q(U0O8I@TBAA | ABE M AEE D(V0U8J@I S(V0U8H@K HLFBB E(A0D8D@B 8D0A(B BBBI XBBB B(A0A8DpaxKWxAp 8D0A(B BBBG :4BBB B(D0A8JQDEFS 8D0A(B BBBF bHYHf URAG Q URHH DURMWMVQOK[_OAKa_OAKOURAZO_OAKFUBYJVHKV URAG Q URAG  URAG z RUBM  URAI  URAN D_OAKN_OAKS_OAY[_OAR_ KPGL wFUB URAE  DUFE H RUAE BKUHK@ DUFE .OQOQ@ DOHE w_OHK RUAJ qVPHRqRUHQBKUHK|_OHKz DUAE D_OAKs DUAH NKUHQM_OHK__OHKNKUOK`KUOKcJVOKE GRAE  DOME _OAKoJVHKI_OHKI_OHKrRVOKP RUAL RUOKS RUAE  DUFE N RUAE fKUHK]KUHK[RUHKMKUHKZJVOIZKUOIMKUOIhKUHKMJVHKXRUHKm RUAE  DOHK rNZI]I URAB  DUAE ] DUAE l DUAE \ DUAE VKUHKFRUHKSRUHKSRUOINKUOIFRUTIMJVHKf DUAE !Z1FBB B(A0D8G4 8D0A(B BBBG ]VUHKOUHKVUHKOUHK VPTIKVPTIUOH[veOHKVPHV]UOHKjVUHKVUHK\UAFgR UOIE QVUUINCHP3NVIIwVUHKOTAVUHKnVUHKyOUHKxOUHKHEAXqOUHKRNVIIINVIIuOUHKIVUHK UAFE %OUHKeVUHKhQPPIOUMIZOUHKrOURIeVUHKmOUHKNOUHKBOUKI\s |O'H^HO*BEE E(A0C8FP 8D0A(B BBBC $PAFGG fDBDPBBE I(H0A8DP8A0A(B BBBLPFDB B(A0D8DP 8D0A(B BBBI t :pFBB B(D0A8G 8D0A(B BBBG xEBFN;DBEbH:]FBE B(D0D8GPM 8D0A(B BBBH T:,FEE E(D0C8GPe 8A0A(B BBBF kXS`PXAP((;FFD KKT;X~4FBB E(H0C8G 8D0A(B BBBC HnAJHBGqOnBNQEI!Q_AT<( BBA A(G L@I@@H@V@A@ (A ABBF L\<jFBB B(D0A8I 8D0A(B BBBD H<!FQB B(A0A8G 8F0A(B BBBH H<41FQB B(A0A8KP 8F0A(B BBBG HD=6FLB G(D0O (C BBBI A(F BBB$=L6bFAD PDBH=6YFLI B(G0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBK 8>8FBA A(D@ (A ABBA H@><9FEB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBA 8>9BED A(G@ (D ABBK d>D;V FBB B(A0A8G L@LA\ 8D0A(B BBBJ AHA^AAAH0?FBB H(A0H8F@ 8D0A(B BBBA $PP|(EU F Y O WHxP(IFIH B(A0A8O` 8D0A(B BBBD LP)FHD D0b  AEBH s  ABBH ^  ABBE PQ*FIA PS  DABF v  IHBG ^  KHBM LhQ$.FEA D(G0L (A ABBG L (A ABBF (Q.FBD ^ BBB 0Q/FGA G0Q  DBBB \R/FKA D(D0k (D ABBB a (D ABBF O (A DBBH xRt0EAG(R(1QFQG N BBH HR\1BBB A(A0G I  0D(A BBBD ( S2EDD Q AAH t8S43 FBB E(A0A8J:LOB! 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