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If --inhex=FN is given then contents of FN is assumed to be a response to this command in ASCII hex. Returned element descriptors should be in ascending identifier order. '--filter=RT' should be between 0 and 15 (inclusive) argument to '--maxlen' should be %d or less Warning: --maxlen=LEN less than %d ignored bad argument to '--starting=' '--report-type=RT' should be between 0 and 15 (inclusive) unrecognised option code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action unable to allocate %d bytes on heap ignoring DEVICE, best to give DEVICE or --inhex=FN, but not both --maxlen=%d needs to be increasedRead %d [0x%x] bytes of user supplied data --in=%s only decoded %d bytes (needs 4 at least) Response too short (%d bytes) due to resid (%d) ... which is greater than maxlen (allocation length %d), truncation Number of descriptors returned: %u Identifier of element being depopulated: %u No complete physical element status descriptors available associated LBs: not specified within manufacturer's specification limits <%d>at manufacturer's specification limits <%d>outside manufacturer's specification limits <%d>depopulation revocation completed, errors detecteddepopulation revocation in progressdepopulation completed, errors detecteddepopulation operations in progressdepopulation completed, no errors [restoration allowed [RALWD]]Get LBA Status command not supported Get LBA Status command: bad field in cdb Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information bf:hHi:m:rRs:St:TvV1.07 20211104version: %s to at least %d ... decode what we have missing device name! sg_set_binary_modeopen error: %s: %s Get physical element status %s cdb: %s %s: out of memory %s: parameter data returned: response length %d bytes Number of descriptors: %u Element descriptors:0x%02x 0x%x %d [%d] identifier: 0x%06x associated LBs: 0x%lx health: not reportedreserved [0x%x]Get LBA Status command: %s close error: %s sg_get_elem_status failed: brieffilterhelpininhexmaxlenrawreadonlyreport-typereport_typestartingverboseversionukH*;0d ,LzRx &D$40@FJ w?:*3$"\H0tp)D`HHFII B(H0D8I 8D0A(B BBBA 3P3l 3llo  nH @ @ oo oo ol0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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