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All values are in decimal by default, prefix with '0x' or add a trailing 'h' for hex numbers. bad argument to '--pdt=DT', expect -1 to 31 unrecognised option code %c [0x%x] Unexpected extra argument: %s Usage: sg_opcodes [-a] [-c] [-e] [-H] [-m] [-M] [-n] [-o=OP] [-p=DT] [-q] [-r] [-R] [-s=SA] [-t] [-u] [-v] [-V] DEVICE where: -a output list of operation codes sorted alphabetically -c more compact output -e use '--opcode=' and '--pdt=' to look up name, ignore DEVICE -H print response in hex -m show cdb usage data (a mask) when all listed -M show MLU bit when all listed -n don't output INQUIRY information -o=OP first byte of command to query (in hex) -p=DT alternate source of pdt (normally obtained from inquiry) -q set REPD bit for tmf_s -r output response in binary to stdout -R set RCTD (return command timeout descriptor) bit -s=SA in addition to opcode (in hex) -t output list of supported task management functions -u output list of operation codes as is (unsorted) -v verbose -V output version string -N|--new use new interface -? output this usage message Performs a SCSI REPORT SUPPORTED OPERATION CODES (or a REPORT TASK MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS) command Bad number after 'p=' option, expect -1 to 31 too many arguments, got: %s, not expecting: %s Report supported operation codesReport supported task management functionssupported [conforming to SCSI standard]supported [in a vendor specific manner]No command duration limit mode pageCommand duration limit T2A mode pageCommand duration limit A mode pageCommand duration limit T2B mode pageCommand duration limit B mode pageaffects only this logical unitaffects more than 1, but not all LUs in this targetaffects all LUs in this targetNot in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action When '-s' is chosen, so must '-o' be chosen warning: unsorted ('-u') and alpha ('-a') options chosen, ignoring alpha warning: task management functions ('-t') chosen so alpha ('-a'), unsorted ('-u') and opcode ('-o') options ignored enumerate not supported with task management functions [opcode=0x%x, sa=0x%x, pdt=0x%x] sg_opcodes: error opening file (ro): %s: %s --no-inquiry ignored because --pdt= not given Peripheral device type: 0x%x sg_opcodes: %s doesn't respond to a SCSI INQUIRY sg_opcodes: error opening file (rw): %s: %s >> perhaps try again without a service action [SA] of 0 Task Management Functions supported by device:when REPD given, byte 3 of response should be >= 12 tmf long timeout: %u (100 ms units) tmf short timeout: %u (100 ms units) sg_opcodes: command data length=%d, allocation=%d; truncate sg_opcodes: no commands to display Opcode,sa Nominal Recommended Name (hex) timeout timeout(sec) Opcode Service CDB Nominal Recommended Name(hex) action(h) size timeout timeout(sec) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Opcode Service CDB MLU Name(hex) action(h) size ----------------------------------------------- Opcode Service CDB RWCDLP, Name(hex) action(h) size CDLP sg_opcodes: no memory to sort operation codes, try '-u' %.2x%c%.4s %s %.2x %.4s %3d %s %.2x %.4s %3d %3d %s %.2x %.4s %3d %d,%d %s Multiple Logical Units (MLU): %s command timeout descriptor length %d (expect 10)K}ZKMg4'_UlGGGGGGGGGGGG$GG7GGG.GGGGGGGGGG&GGGGGGGGzqGGh_GVM@;X Lܸ(tdl\zRx p&D$4FJ w?:*3$"\`HtBBI I(D0C8K 8A0A(B BBBA HBBB B(A0A8DP_ 8A0A(B BBBA ( P1EDL XAAA8dn0LFAA G  AABD L|SBHB E(A0D8Go 8A0A(B BBBJ FFB B(D0J8G 8D0A(B BBBA HIEWNIBN(NSBXKA>`>X IHPo F `   ooP oo o`0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" "0"@"P"`"p"""""""""Ua(Uc0Ue:Uh?UHCUmHUMLUnWUnbUNfUoPOmUpqUruURzUqUsUtUuUvUVGA$3a1 = GA$3g1073%IGA* GA$annobin gcc 11.3.1 20220421GA$plugin name: annobin GA$running gcc 11.3.1 20220421 GA*GA*GA! 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