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D$@AEH 8H5!ƒH 1HU1H5!HDH=+1AaH=1AaMEH5!ȉA1ASD1H5!=11H5!(EAOA\AF1AAA95AED$D$d~A9DG\$ H@E1DH)DAHE9U1H5|!|$(uU1H]H5f!L%!f^U1H5^!GE1Dt$IHDLH5Z!1HU1H5O!HHHUL1H9\$uLDt$UDu1D} H5BDeDm D1H5 !AD1H5 !{D1H5!e1H5!1PD`1AąE9DH [ AFL5!E1L-Y L%k k`D$BT=@Hο1JT=PL1HJT=XL1HJT=`L1HBT=hH5H1BT=jH5 1sBT=jH5y 1I`SH {D9|$=E1_H=1AaSH=1>H5"H=1$A\$ 량DH5"1H=u8AfH5"H=11H=s1>D1EH5N"H=o1H5,"H=pEu5H=1]NAG9D$H=AjDH=1E1 |$Ut$t1H=1DH=1D$azH=1@1I^HHPTE11H=A+7f.H=:H:H9tH7Ht H=9H59H)HH?HHHtH6HtfD=9u+UH=6Ht H=2yd9]wHH= 1H= 1ZH={1H=u 1H=w 1YHHReporting options for REPORT ZONES: 0x0 list all zones 0x1 list zones with a zone condition of EMPTY 0x2 list zones with a zone condition of IMPLICITLY OPENED 0x3 list zones with a zone condition of EXPLICITLY OPENED 0x4 list zones with a zone condition of CLOSED 0x5 list zones with a zone condition of FULL 0x6 list zones with a zone condition of READ ONLY 0x7 list zones with a zone condition of OFFLINE 0x8 list zones with a zone condition of INACTIVE 0x10 list zones with RWP Recommended set to true 0x11 list zones with Non-sequential write resources active set to true 0x3e list zones except those with zone type: GAP 0x3f list zones with a zone condition of NOT WRITE POINTER Reporting options for REPORT ZONE DOMAINS: 0x0 list all zone domains 0x1 list all zone domains in which all zones are active 0x2 list all zone domains that contain active zones 0x3 list all zone domains that do not contain any active zones Reporting options for REPORT REALMS: 0x0 list all realms 0x1 list all realms that contain active Sequential Or Before Required zones 0x2 list all realms that contain active Sequential Write Required zones 0x3 list all realms that contain active Sequential Write Preferred zones Usage: sg_rep_zones [--domain] [--help] [--hex] [--inhex=FN] [--locator=LBA] [--maxlen=LEN] [--partial] [--raw] [--readonly] [--realm] [--report=OPT] [--start=LBA] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE where: --domain|-d sends a REPORT ZONE DOMAINS command --help|-h print out usage message, use twice for more help --hex|-H output response in hexadecimal; used twice shows decoded values in hex --inhex=FN|-i FN decode contents of FN, ignore DEVICE --locator=LBA|-l LBA similar to --start= option --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN max response length (allocation length in cdb) (def: 0 -> 8192 bytes) --num=NUM|-n NUM number of zones to output (def: 0 -> all) --partial|-p sets PARTIAL bit in cdb (def: 0 -> zone list length not altered by allocation length in cdb) --raw|-r output response in binary --readonly|-R open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write) --realm|-e sends a REPORT REALMS command --report=OPT|-o OP reporting options (def: 0: all zones) --start=LBA|-s LBA report zones from the LBA (def: 0) need not be a zone starting LBA --verbose|-v increase verbosity --version|-V print version string and exit --wp|-w output write pointer only Sends a SCSI REPORT ZONES, REPORT ZONE DOMAINS or REPORT REALMS command. By default sends a REPORT ZONES command. Give help option twice (e.g. '-hh') to see reporting options enumerated. argument to '--maxlen' should be %d or less argument to '--num' should be zero or more bad argument to '--report=OPT', expect 0 to 63 bad argument to '--start=LBA' or '--locator=LBA unrecognised option code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action Can't have both --domain and --realm Can only use --partial with REPORT ZONES ignoring DEVICE, best to give DEVICE or --inhex=FN, but not both unable to sg_memalign %d bytes ... decode what we have, --maxlen=%d needs to be increased Read %d [0x%x] bytes of user supplied data --inhex=%s only decoded %d bytes (needs 4 at least) Decoded response length (%d) too short decode length [%u bytes] seems wild, use --force override %u zones available but only %d zones returned decoded response length is %u bytes, but system reports %d bytes received?? Exiting, use --force to override Zone length [%d] too short (perhaps after truncation )decode length [%u bytes] may be constrained by given --maxlen value, try increasing perhaps --maxlen=%u needs to be used perhaps %s has been truncated Skip due to truncated response, try using --num= to a value less than %d >>> Beware: Zone list truncated, may need another callrealms descriptor length less than 16 %s: derived_realms_count [%u] > realms_count [%u] %s: derived_realms_count [%u] < realms_count [%u], use former Zone_domains_returned_list_length=%u zone_domain_zone_type=0x%x Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information zone type and length may differ in each descriptorzone type and length same in each descriptorzone type and length same apart from length in last descriptorzone type for each descriptor may be differentReport zone domainsReport zonesReport realmsNot write pointerEmptyImplicitly openedExplicitly openedClosedInactiveRead onlyFullOfflinedefhHi:l:m:n:o:prRs:vVw1.28 20210922version: %s missing device name! sg_set_binary_modeopen error: %s: %s %s %s: out of memory report zone/domain/realm%s response: Same=%d: %s Maximum LBA: 0x%lx Zone descriptor: %d Zone type: %s %s [0x%x]%sReserved [0x%x] Zone condition: %s PUEP: %d Non_seq: %d Reset: %d Zone Length: 0x%lx Zone start LBA: 0x%lx Write pointer LBA: -1 Write pointer LBA: 0x%lx Realms_count=%u realms_descriptor_length=%u next_realm_locator=0x%lx %s: exiting early because realms_count is zero actual_length (%u) too short Realm_id=%u realm_restrictions=0x%hu active_zone_domain_id=%u zone_domain=%u starting_lba=0x%lx ending_lba=0x%lx Zone_domains_supported=%u Zone_domains_reported=%u Reporting_options=0x%x Zone_domain_locator=0x%lx Derived zdomains=%u zone_count=%lu VZDZT=%u SRB=%u %s command not supported %s command: %s close error: %s sg_rep_zones failed: Reserved [0x4]Reserved [0x5]Reserved [0x6]Reserved [0x7]Reserved [0x8]Reserved [0x9]Reserved [0xa]Reserved [0xb]Reserved [0xc]Reserved [0xd]Reserved [0xe]Reserved [0xf]domainforcehelpinhexlocatormaxlennumpartialrawreadonlyreportstartverboseversionwppHhXpxP Prsg_ll_report_zzzdecode_rep_realms;0,d|LlzRx (&D$4`FJ w?:*3$"\PtQD] E f\FMI B(D0C8N 8D0A(B BBBD  QUAP99k RXRRRqWWWWWWWWWWXX 9kko  nx P oo@ oo o'l0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"" 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