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twice: plus ASCII; thrice: suitable for '--raw=-' with later invocation --list|-l list supported page codes (with or without DEVICE) --maxlen=LEN|-m LEN parameter list length or maximum allocation length (default: 4096 bytes) --page=PG|-P PG do RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS only, set PCV --pf|-p set PF bit (def: 0) --raw=H,H...|-r H,H... sequence of hex bytes to form diag page to send --raw=-|-r - read stdin for sequence of bytes to send --selftest=ST|-s ST self-test code, default: 0 (inactive) 1->background short, 2->background extended 4->abort test 5->foreground short, 6->foreground extended --test|-t default self-test --timeout=SECS|-T SECS timeout for foreground self tests unit: second (def: 7200 seconds) --uoff|-u unit offline (def: 0, only with '--test') --verbose|-v increase verbosity --old|-O use old interface (use as first option) --version|-V output version string then exit Performs a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC (and/or a RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS) commandbad argument to '--timeout=SECS' unrecognised option code %c [0x%x] Unexpected extra argument: %s Bad page code after '-s=' optionUsage: sg_senddiag [-doff] [-e] [-h] [-H] [-l] [-pf] [-raw=H,H...] [-s=SF] [-t] [-T=SECS] [-uoff] [-v] [-V] [DEVICE] where: -doff device online (def: 0, only with '-t') -e duration of an extended self-test (from mode page 0xa) -h output in hex -H output in hex (same as '-h') -l list supported page codes -pf set PF bit (def: 0) -raw=H,H... sequence of bytes to form diag page to send -raw=- read stdin for sequence of bytes to send -s=SF self-test code (def: 0) 1->background short, 2->background extended, 4->abort test 5->foreground short, 6->foreground extended -t default self-test -T SECS timeout for foreground self tests -uoff unit offline (def: 0, only with '-t') -v increase verbosity (print issued SCSI cmds) -V output version string -N|--new use new interface -? output this usage message Performs a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC (and/or a RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS) commandBad page code after '-T=SECS' optiontoo many arguments, got: %s, not expecting: %s Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action build_diag_page: carry_over error ['%s'] around line %d build_diag_page: syntax error at line %d, pos %d build_diag_page: hex number larger than 0xff in line %d, pos %d build_diag_page: array length exceeded build_diag_page: error in line %d, at pos %d build_diag_page: error at pos %d build_diag_page: hex number larger than 0xff at pos %d Bad sequence after '--raw=' optionBad sequence after '-raw=' optionsetting --doff or --uoff only useful when -t is setsetting -doff or -uoff only useful when -t is seteither set --selftest=SF or --test (not both)either set -s=SF or -t (not both)'--raw=' cannot be used with self-tests, '-e' or '-l''-raw=' cannot be used with self-tests, '-e' or '-l'>>> warning, '--pf' probably should be used with '--raw='>>> warning, '-pf' probably should be used with '-raw='sg_senddiag: error opening file: %s: %s unable to allocate %d bytes (2) %s: response length (%d) too small (resid=%d) Expected extended self-test duration=%d seconds (%.2f minutes) Extended self-test duration not availableExtended self-test duration (mode page 0xa) failedRD resid (%d) indicates response too small (lem=%d) SEND DIAGNOSTIC command, failed Supported diagnostic pages response:%s diagnostic page [0x%x] response in hex: diagnostic page 0x%x response in hex: RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command failed Foreground self-test returned GOOD statusDefault self-test returned GOOD statusSEND DIAGNOSTIC, unit attention SEND DIAGNOSTIC, aborted command SEND DIAGNOSTIC, device not ready Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information try again with '-vv' for more information Enclosure status/control (SES)Array Status/Control (SES, obsolete)Additional (device) element status (SES-2)Subenclosure help text (SES-2)Subenclosure string In/Out (SES-2)Supported SES diagnostic pages (SES-2)Download microcode diagnostic pages (SES-2)Subenclosure nickname diagnostic pages (SES-2)Protocol specific (SAS transport)Translate address (direct access)Rebuild assist (direct access)x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@0@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@x@@@@@@pX=Cl do_modes_0aN@;D@x0d`zRx H&D$4FJ w?:*3$"\t-H;BBI I(D0C8K` 8A0A(B BBBK HBBB B(A0A8DP3 8A0A(B BBBA  FFB B(D0J8G 8D0A(B BBBA RSDFNVBBBBI[BGBBBIOBEDBK JBBBBE tOBBBBITBGBENp404l  :llop V n  oo oo o(l0 @ P ` p !! !0!@!P!`!p!!!!!!!!!"vAA8VAAAXVAA B V V V V WPW?W@WA-BBW@dKBeRBhWBH[Bl`BmgBN5@OkBP @ppBrtBsxBt}BT#@uBvBVGA$3a1 3 GA$3g1073#:GA* GA$annobin gcc 11.3.1 20220421GA$plugin name: annobin GA$running gcc 11.3.1 20220421 GA*GA*GA! 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