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Supported set types: %s %s%u %s Unknown argument %sUnknown settype: `%s' %s type specific options: %s v%s: Warning: %s%sipv4_addr . ether_addripv6_addr . ether_addripv4_addr . ifnameipv6_addr . ifnameipv4_addr . markipv4_addr . ipv4_addrinet_serviceipv6_addr . ipv6_addripv6_addr . markdeleteget. cannot open file `%s' add table inet global# %shash:iphash:ip,machash:net,ifacehash:net,porthash:net,port,nethash:net,nethash:nethash:ip,port,nethash:ip,port,iphash:ip,markhash:ip,portbitmap:portbitmap:ip,macbitmap:ipadd set %s %s %s { type %s; counter; timeout %us; size %u; flags interval; }del set %s %s %s flush set %s %s %s list sets %s %s list set %s %s %s %s element %s %s %s { %s%s /%u timeout %us comment "%s" hash:macadd SETNAMEdel SETNAMEtest SETNAME-o-output-s-sorted-q-quiet-r-resolve-!-exist-n-name-t-terse-f-filenew-N-A-Dtest-Tdestroy-X-L-Srestore-Rflush-F-E-Whelp-h-Hversion-v-VquitIP|IP/CIDR|FROM-TOrange IP/CIDR|FROM-TOskbinfo supportcomment supportcounters supportInitial revisionIP[,MAC]macipmap[PROTO:]PORT|FROM-TOrange [PROTO:]FROM-TOportmapbucketsize, initval supportforceadd supportIP,[PROTO:]PORTipporthashSCTP and UDPLITE supportIP,MARKipmarkhashinitial revisionIP,[PROTO:]PORT,IPipportiphashIP,[PROTO:]PORT,IP[/CIDR]ipportnethashnomatch flag supportAdd/del range supportIP[/CIDR],IP[/CIDR]netnethashnetportnethashIP[/CIDR],[PROTO:]PORTnetporthashIP[/CIDR],[physdev:]IFACEnetifacehashskbinfo and wildcard support/0 network supportIP,MACipmachashlist:setNAME [before|after NAME]setlistcommunication-prohibitedaddress-unreachableport-unreachablepacket-too-bigttl-zero-during-transitttl-zero-during-reassemblybad-headerunknown-header-typeunknown-optionecho-requestpingpongrouter-solicitationrouter-advertisementneighbour-solicitationneigbour-solicitationneighbour-advertisementneigbour-advertisementprotocol-unreachablefragmentation-neededsource-route-failednetwork-unknownhost-unknownnetwork-prohibitedhost-prohibitedTOS-network-unreachableTOS-host-unreachablehost-precedence-violationprecedence-cutoffsource-quenchTOS-network-redirectTOS-host-redirectip-header-badrequired-option-missingtimestamp-requesttimestamp-replyaddress-mask-requestaddress-mask-replyInvalid protocol specifiedNo reference set specified.[family inet|inet6]|[-4|-6]-4-6hashsize[hashsize VALUE]maxelem[maxelem VALUE]probesresizegcfromtonetwork[size VALUE]rangenetmask[netmask CIDR]forceadd[forceadd]markmaskmarkmask VALUEnomatch[nomatch]wildcard[wildcard]timeout[timeout VALUE]counters[counters]packets[packets VALUE]bytes[bytes VALUE]comment[comment][comment "string"]skbinfo[skbinfo]skbmark[skbmark VALUE]skbprio[skbprio VALUE]skbqueue[skbqueue VALUE]bucketsize[bucketsize VALUE]initval[initval VALUE] [PROTO:]PORT is a valid pattern of the following: PORTNAME TCP port name from /etc/services PORTNUMBER TCP port number identifier tcp|sctp|udp|udplite:PORTNAME|PORTNUMBER icmp:CODENAME supported ICMP codename icmp:TYPE/CODE ICMP type/code value icmpv6:CODENAME supported ICMPv6 codename icmpv6:TYPE/CODE ICMPv6 type/code value PROTO:0 all other protocols Supported ICMP codenames: Supported ICMPv6 codenames:-file option cannot be used when full io is activatedThere are missing mandatory flags but can't check them. It's a bug, please report the problem.Mandatory option `%s' is missingIP/CIDR range is not allowed in command %s with set type %s and family %sFROM-TO IP range is not allowed in command %s with set type %s and family %sFROM-TO port range is not allowed in command %s with set type %s and family %sThere are not allowed options (%u) but option list is empty. It's a bug, please report the problem.%s parameter is not allowed in command %s with set type %s and family %sThere are not allowed options (%u) but can't resolve them. It's a bug, please report the problem.Undecoded error %u received from kernelSyntax error: cannot parse '%s' as ethernet addressSyntax error: cannot find closing escape character '%s' in %sSyntax error: protocol family may not be specified multiple timesSyntax error: unknown inet family %sSyntax error: mixed syntax, before|after option already usedCannot allocate memory to duplicate %s.you must specify elements as setname%s[before|after]%ssetnameSyntax error: setname '%s' is longer than %u charactersSyntax error: interface name '%s' is longer than %u charactersSyntax error: " character is not permitted in commentsSyntax error: Comment is longer than the maximum allowed %d charactersSyntax error: Invalid skbmark format, it should be: MARK/MASK or MARK (see manpage)Syntax error: Invalid skbprio format, it should be:MAJOR:MINOR (see manpage)Option '--%s %s' is ignored. Please upgrade your syntax.Syntax error: %s already specifiedInternal error: set type is unknown!Syntax error: Second element is missing from %s.Syntax error: Elem separator in %s, but settype %s supports none.Syntax error: Third element is missing from %s.Syntax error: Two elem separators in %s, but settype %s supports one.Syntax error: Three elem separators in %s, but settype %s supports two.Internal error: missing parser function for %sSyntax error: range separator expected after '%s'Broken kernel message, cannot validate IP address attribute!Broken kernel message: IPv4 address expected but not received!Broken kernel message: cannot validate IPv4 address attribute!Broken kernel message: IPv6 address expected but not received!Broken kernel message: cannot validate IPv6 address attribute!Broken kernel message: IP address attribute but family is unspecified!Broken kernel message: string type attribute missing or too long!Invalid internal HEADER command: missing setnameInvalid internal TYPE command: missing settypeInternal error: unknown private command %uInvalid create command: missing setnameInvalid create command: missing settypeInvalid %s command: missing from-setnameInvalid %s command: missing to-setnameInvalid %s command: missing setnameInvalid %s command: missing settypeInvalid test command: missing setnameInvalid test command: missing settypeInternal error: unknown command %uCould not allocate memory to print sorted!Internal error at printing, loop detected!Internal error, could not print output buffer!Invalid message received in non LIST or SAVE state.Syntax error: '%s' is invalid as numberSyntax error: '%s' is out of range %llu-%lluSyntax error: cannot parse '%s' as a protocolSyntax error: Unsupported protocol '%s'Cannot parse %s as an %s type/code.Syntax error: '%s' is out of range %u-%uSyntax error: netmask is out of the inclusive range of 1-%ucannot parse '%s' as a %s portSyntax error: Protocol ICMP can be used with family inet onlySyntax error: Protocol ICMPv6 can be used with family inet6 onlySyntax error: Protocol %s can be used with pseudo port value 0 only.Syntax error: Only protocols TCP and UDP are validSyntax error: cannot parse %s: resolving to %s address failed%s resolves to multiple addresses: using only the first one returned by the resolver.Syntax error: plain IP address must be supplied: %sSyntax error: IP/netblock must be supplied: %sSyntax error: IP-IP range must supplied: %sSyntax error: IP/cidr or IP-IP range must be specified: %sSyntax error: IP address or IP-IP range must be specified: %sSyntax error: IP address or IP/cidr must be specified: %sSyntax error: mixed syntax, timeout already specifiedSyntax error: Missing separator from %sCannot open session to kernel.Normal IO is in use, full IO cannot be selectedCannot open %s for reading: %sCannot open %s for writing: %sLibrary error, invalid ipset_io_typeFull IO is in use, normal IO cannot be selectedBroken error message received.ACK message received to command %s[%u], which is not expectedBroken error report message received.Protocol error, we sent command %s and received error report for %s[%u]Broken %s error report message: cannot validate attributesBroken %s error report message: missing protocol attributeSyntax error: unknown settype %sKernel supports %s type, family %s with minimal revision %u while ipset program with maximal revision %u. You need to upgrade your ipset program.Kernel supports %s type, family %s with maximal revision %u while ipset program with minimal revision %u. You need to upgrade your kernel.Kernel-library incompatibility: set %s in kernel has got settype %s with family %s and revision %u while ipset library does not support the settype with that family and revision.Kernel and userspace incompatible: settype %s with revision %u not supported by userspace.Broken %s kernel message: missing setname!Broken %s kernel message: extra DATA received!Broken %s kernel message: missing DATA part!Broken %s kernel message: missing %s!Broken %s kernel message: cannot validate DATA attributes!%sName: %s Type: %s Revision: %u Header: %s %u
Broken %s kernel message: cannot validate ADT attributes!Protocol error, we sent command %s and received %s[%u]Broken %s kernel message: cannot validate and parse attributesSad, sad day: kernel message %s does not carry the protocol version.Giving up: kernel protocol version %u does not match our protocol version %uCannot communicate with kernel: Kernel support protocol versions %u-%u while userspace supports protocol versions %u-%uBroken HEADER kernel message: missing setname!Broken HEADER kernel message: sent setname `%s' does not match with received one `%s'!Broken HEADER kernel message: missing attribute '%s'!Broken TYPE kernel message: missing attribute '%s'!Broken TYPE kernel message: sent typename `%s' does not match with received one `%s'!Data message received when not expected at %sSyntax error: typename '%s' is longer than %u charactersSyntax error: typename '%s' is unknownMissing mandatory argument of option `%s'Argument `%s' is supported in the kernel module of the set type %s starting from the revision %u and you have installed revision %u only. Your kernel is behind your ipset utility.Syntax error: unknown output mode '%s'SETNAME TYPENAME [type-specific-options] Create a new setplain|save|xml Specify output mode for listing sets. Default value for "list" command is mode "plain" and for "save" command is mode "save".Missing mandatory argument to option %sCommand `%s' is invalid in restore mode.Restore command is not supported in interactive modeMissing mandatory argument to command %sMissing second mandatory argument to command %sNo command specified: unknown argument %s%s v%s Usage: %s [options] COMMAND Commands: Type %s supports inet and inet6. Type %s supports family %s only. Try `%s help' for more information. ipv6_addr . inet_proto . inet_serviceipv4_addr . inet_proto . inet_serviceipv4_addr . inet_proto . inet_service . ipv4_addripv6_addr . inet_proto . inet_service . ipv6_addrcounter packets %lu bytes %lu This command is not supported, use `ipset-translate restore < file' Print elements sorted (if supported by the set type). Suppress any notice or warning message. Try to resolve IP addresses in the output (slow!) Ignore errors when creating or adding sets or elements that do exist or when deleting elements that don't exist. When listing, just list setnames from the kernel. When listing, list setnames and set headers from kernel only. Read from the given file instead of standard input (restore) or write to given file instead of standard output (list/save).SETNAME ENTRY Add entry to the named setSETNAME ENTRY Delete entry from the named setSETNAME ENTRY Test entry in the named set[SETNAME] Destroy a named set or all sets[SETNAME] List the entries of a named set or all sets[SETNAME] Save the named set or all sets to stdout Restore a saved state[SETNAME] Flush a named set or all setsFROM-SETNAME TO-SETNAME Rename two setsFROM-SETNAME TO-SETNAME Swap the contect of two existing sets[TYPENAME] Print help, and settype specific help Print version information Quit interactive modewhere IP, FROM and TO are IPv4 addresses (or hostnames), CIDR is a valid IPv4 CIDR prefix.where IP, FROM and TO are IPv4 addresses (or hostnames), CIDR is a valid IPv4 CIDR prefix. MAC is a valid MAC address.where PORT, FROM and TO are port numbers or port names from /etc/services. PROTO is only needed if a service name is used and it does not exist as a TCP service; just the resolved service numer is stored in the set.where depending on the INET family IP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname), CIDR is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR prefix. Adding/deleting multiple elements in IP/CIDR or FROM-TO form is supported for IPv4.where depending on the INET family IP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname). Adding/deleting multiple elements in IP/CIDR or FROM-TO form is supported for IPv4. Adding/deleting multiple elements with TCP/SCTP/UDP/UDPLITE port range is supported both for IPv4 and IPv6.where depending on the INET family IP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname). Adding/deleting multiple elements in IP/CIDR or FROM-TO form is supported for IPv4. Adding/deleting single mark element is supported both for IPv4 and IPv6.where depending on the INET family IP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname). Adding/deleting multiple elements in IP/CIDR or FROM-TO form in the first IP component is supported for IPv4. Adding/deleting multiple elements with TCP/SCTP/UDP/UDPLITE port range is supported both for IPv4 and IPv6.where depending on the INET family IP are valid IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (or hostnames), CIDR is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR prefix. Adding/deleting multiple elements in IP/CIDR or FROM-TO form in the first IP component is supported for IPv4. Adding/deleting multiple elements with TCP/SCTP/UDP/UDPLITE port range is supported both for IPv4 and IPv6.where depending on the INET family IP is an IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname), CIDR is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR prefix.IP[/CIDR]|FROM-TO,IP[/CIDR]|FROM-TOwhere depending on the INET family IP is an IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname), CIDR is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR prefix. IP range is not supported with IPv6.IP[/CIDR],[PROTO:]PORT,IP[/CIDR]where depending on the INET family IP are valid IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (or hostnames), CIDR is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR prefix. Adding/deleting multiple elements in IP/CIDR or FROM-TO form in both IP components are supported for IPv4. Adding/deleting multiple elements with TCP/SCTP/UDP/UDPLITE port range is supported both for IPv4 and IPv6.IP[/CIDR]|FROM-TO,[PROTO:]PORTwhere depending on the INET family IP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname), CIDR is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR prefix. Adding/deleting multiple elements with TCP/SCTP/UDP/UDPLITE port range is supported both for IPv4 and IPv6.IP[/CIDR]|FROM-TO,[physdev:]IFACEwhere depending on the INET family IP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname), CIDR is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR prefix. Adding/deleting multiple elements with IPv4 is supported.where depending on the INET family IP is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address (or hostname), MAC is a MAC address.where NAME are existing set names.Hash is full, cannot add more elementsNull-valued element, cannot be stored in a hash type of setProtocol missing, but must be specifiedRange is not supported in the "net" component of the elementInvalid range, covers the whole address spaceSet to be added/deleted/tested as element does not exist.Sets with list:set type cannot be added to the set.The set to which you referred with 'before' or 'after' does not exist.The set is full, more elements cannot be added.The set to which you referred with 'before' or 'after' is not added to the set.Element is out of the range of the setThe range you specified exceeds the size limit of the set typeThe set with the given name does not existKernel error received: message could not be createdKernel error received: ipset protocol errorSet cannot be created: set with the same name already existsKernel error received: set type not supportedKernel error received: maximal number of sets reached, cannot create more.The value of the netmask parameter is invalidThe value of the markmask parameter is invalidProtocol family not supported by the set typeSet cannot be destroyed: it is in use by a kernel componentSet cannot be renamed: a set with the new name already existsSet cannot be renamed: it is in use by another systemSets cannot be swapped: the second set does not existThe sets cannot be swapped: their type does not matchThe value of the CIDR parameter of the IP address is invalidTimeout cannot be used: set was created without timeout supportAn IPv4 address is expected, but not receivedAn IPv6 address is expected, but not receivedPacket/byte counters cannot be used: set was created without counter supportComment cannot be used: set was created without comment supportSkbinfo mapping cannot be used: set was created without skbinfo supportElement cannot be added to the set: it's already addedElement cannot be deleted from the set: it's not addedKernel error received: set type does not supported;4DDD(\d@\$$0Dd  0 D   d 0 L ` t  $ t( 4t T D, T 4  d( t  H4dTt$D84Lt$$8Dpd$tt$dxtD8      Xdd44d`dt4$h4D!$,h--$/18T1P423445|T66t7 7T899;$ 4;< T;P < d= t= ?4!T@l!d@!A!A!B"Dd"G"G"$G"DG"G#DHT#H#tI#J,$4Kh$K$K$M$O%$P%Q%$SX&TSl&S&T'tUP'U'V'Z,([`(`)4a@)b)o)u@*Tv*v*w8+wL+w`+x+$y+z+~,~<,h,,d -t4-h-d--<..d/t0/D/t/d/d/d<0zRx $ FJ w?:*3$"D @\BBB A(D0GP 0A(A BBBF ,( $$WEGF BAA8{FDD @(A0I(A W ABA @!E[4\0FAI ` ABE TAB4eBBA A(D0Q(D ABB`BIE J(C0GPbXO`NPXK`lXAPT 0D(A BBBG \XJ`SP`0BIE J(C0G`fhWpN`hKplhA`T 0D(A BBBC \hJpS`H(~BEE D(A0B (A BBBF Q(F BBB\htX0~FBB A(A0DP  0A(A BBBH  0G(A BBBN @BHB D(H0D`| 0A(A BBBH <K A #XHEN0LENLP `LtH D#`<lVOMG Q FBD a CBJ 4EDF a AAF D CAH H(DFBB B(A0A8F@ 8D0A(B BBBA XtFBB A(A0N (D BBBD n8M@_8A0D (A BBBB X|FBA A(D0a (D ABBH Q8k@K8A0D (D ABBK $,AEGH VJH<T8FBB A(A0| (D BBBF $AEGH IIV8EGK Z(R0PAAK DMM,OEGH I(d0KAAH(4FHE E(A0H8DP? 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