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Requires allow-new-zones option. delzone [-clean] zone [class [view]] Removes zone from given view. dnssec -checkds [-key id [-alg algorithm]] [-when time] (published|withdrawn) zone [class [view]] Mark the DS record for the KSK of the given zone as seen in the parent. If the zone has multiple KSKs, select a specific key by providing the keytag with -key id and optionally the key's algorithm with -alg algorithm. Requires the zone to have a dnssec-policy. dnssec -rollover -key id [-alg algorithm] [-when time] zone [class [view]] Rollover key with id of the given zone. Requires the zone to have a dnssec-policy. dnssec -status zone [class [view]] Show the DNSSEC signing state for the specified zone. Requires the zone to have a dnssec-policy. dnstap -reopen Close, truncate and re-open the DNSTAP output file. dnstap -roll count Close, rename and re-open the DNSTAP output file(s). dumpdb [-all|-cache|-zones|-adb|-bad|-expired|-fail] [view ...] Dump cache(s) to the dump file (named_dump.db). flush Flushes all of the server's caches. flush [view] Flushes the server's cache for a view. flushname name [view] Flush the given name from the server's cache(s) flushtree name [view] Flush all names under the given name from the server's cache(s) freeze Suspend updates to all dynamic zones. freeze zone [class [view]] Suspend updates to a dynamic zone. halt Stop the server without saving pending updates. halt -p Stop the server without saving pending updates reporting process id. loadkeys zone [class [view]] Update keys without signing immediately. managed-keys refresh [class [view]] Check trust anchor for RFC 5011 key changes managed-keys status [class [view]] Display RFC 5011 managed keys information managed-keys sync [class [view]] Write RFC 5011 managed keys to disk modzone zone [class [view]] { zone-options } Modify a zone's configuration. Requires allow-new-zones option. notify zone [class [view]] Resend NOTIFY messages for the zone. notrace Set debugging level to 0. nta -dump List all negative trust anchors. nta [-lifetime duration] [-force] domain [view] Set a negative trust anchor, disabling DNSSEC validation for the given domain. Using -lifetime specifies the duration of the NTA, up to one week. Using -force prevents the NTA from expiring before its full lifetime, even if the domain can validate sooner. nta -remove domain [view] Remove a negative trust anchor, re-enabling validation for the given domain. querylog [ on | off ] Enable / disable query logging. reconfig Reload configuration file and new zones only. recursing Dump the queries that are currently recursing (named.recursing) refresh zone [class [view]] Schedule immediate maintenance for a zone. reload Reload configuration file and zones. reload zone [class [view]] Reload a single zone. retransfer zone [class [view]] Retransfer a single zone without checking serial number. scan Scan available network interfaces for changes. secroots [view ...] Write security roots to the secroots file. serve-stale [ on | off | reset | status ] [class [view]] Control whether stale answers are returned showzone zone [class [view]] Print a zone's configuration. sign zone [class [view]] Update zone keys, and sign as needed. signing -clear all zone [class [view]] Remove the private records for all keys that have finished signing the given zone. signing -clear / zone [class [view]] Remove the private record that indicating the given key has finished signing the given zone. signing -list zone [class [view]] List the private records showing the state of DNSSEC signing in the given zone. signing -nsec3param hash flags iterations salt zone [class [view]] Add NSEC3 chain to zone if already signed. Prime zone with NSEC3 chain if not yet signed. signing -nsec3param none zone [class [view]] Remove NSEC3 chains from zone. signing -serial zone [class [view]] Set the zones's serial to . stats Write server statistics to the statistics file. status Display status of the server. stop Save pending updates to master files and stop the server. stop -p Save pending updates to master files and stop the server reporting process id. sync [-clean] Dump changes to all dynamic zones to disk, and optionally remove their journal files. sync [-clean] zone [class [view]] Dump a single zone's changes to disk, and optionally remove its journal file. tcp-timeouts Display the tcp-*-timeout option values tcp-timeouts initial idle keepalive advertised Update the tcp-*-timeout option values thaw Enable updates to all dynamic zones and reload them. thaw zone [class [view]] Enable updates to a frozen dynamic zone and reload it. trace Increment debugging level by one. trace level Change the debugging level. tsig-delete keyname [view] Delete a TKEY-negotiated TSIG key. tsig-list List all currently active TSIG keys, including both statically configured and TKEY-negotiated keys. validation [ on | off | status ] [view] Enable / disable DNSSEC validation. zonestatus zone [class [view]] Display the current status of a zone. Version: %s couldn't get address for '%s': %sconnection to remote host closed This may indicate that * the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol, * this host is not authorized to connect, * the clocks are not synchronized, or * the key is invalid.bad or missing data section in response%s: parsing response failed: %s connection to remote host closed This may indicate that * the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol, * this host is not authorized to connect, * the clocks are not synchronized, * the key signing algorithm is incorrect, or * the key is invalid.bad or missing ctrl section in responseWARNING: key file (%s) exists, but using default configuration file (%s) could not load rndc configurationno server specified and no defaultno key for server and no defaultkey must have algorithm and secrettoo many address: %s: dropped iR@1b>5, ;|(XH8xh,XLhpx4XhzRx &D$40@FJ w?:*3$"\H0t@8H hEG AF 4FDG  AD  AA uEG e AF <LFBB D(D (A BBBG \XFBB B(D0A8DVSA 8A0A(B BBBD 0\BGD Gp  ABBH TFBB D(A0DUSA 0A(A BBBA D :EG lALdpFGI B(A0C8M 8A0A(B BBBA `R R  0 \co t XH P ooPooTo(00@0P0`0p00000000011 101@1P1`1p11111111122 202@2P2`2p22222222233 303@3P3`3p33333333344 404@4P4`4p44444444455 505@5P5`5p55555555566 606@6P6rndc-9.16.23-18.el9_4.1.x86_64.debugN7zXZִF!t/7a]?Eh=ڊ2NV ړ"νuk|^@BeS_ \+QcwDPKZSPHh5|A/1kHC7>3#>bOl?HFHSt.(Rڧ& D"ϡ54ߪ|\|tʎd[Hkߖ(ml'4O=Q/H5c75T­4v彽Ώ`~9m@\e,0kt0f;igk8 ]+}Ꮣ7!W͂iZ\/ҸCb6>$t[|7'nI'QS(̹^Ig5XsObQ%%(}61Tk'Y,h@߳D@ٺa%VC87Ez^rT4Mׅ&k>~LQQ:u6-GL6`V~Ӿm ]4â7G- Uuw:e:~0^ۘz;Ʌp4ğKh/uV륫_+KH39kUP{h |8j#ڶSl\J y׻68һ|:Ҍ/c#\$2Pj[6V+& z=i6qmGڛ|knw,^DSTuH6 WbZ^]}|hn5.@B\&y=:bs{=iKI㕼do{M&!'$U\5k_4&G 2A<>]CL-_n= BuRA;x)5@Jl`8Sy*[F]1-b{F?('z#wHF?U|] _qI BݷA~.Ɵ-94( im%{pKtIiX.|1`DM1$'ę-(βVXc>ZYQ\f|Cz,&0^W+U"ɲRx|NnApݖ3 &dAOXxXΕF ۟1 z15,F@_EJzQ0px`$gYZ.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.gnu.build-id.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 880&hh$9 Go\Q  YtaoTTnoPPP}BPPH 00 0 0@`6`60<<&\c\c pp888| ((0XX  ,0Ԥ(