ELF>#@X@8 @@@@000hhL\\L\\88800hhhDDStd88800Ptd@=@=@=,,QtdRtdL\\  /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 GNUGNUbDH="1H=1D$(H$dH+%(vD$(HĨ[]A\A]A^A_H=1D$($OHCMHD$>D$(D$/$#HMHD$ $D$.$$D$D$/LE19}HcЃLdL9|$t7|$t7H=!1H5H=1D$(|$uL|$MLDT$eH5!LHDT$9EDT$Hl$@1uL|$Ld$IMM^HBSAaA>OE,LHXL`H E,$IBDhuLv  E1L|$ MLDT$zH5LHDT$9Hl$ AEH,HBD|jHIHhIuH5,&H=1E1<$Y0EI$$D$@A,T$@1T@HA9H=!MT$(1LDT$DT$ADT$E D$(1DAH$PIjA^_DT$$f$DKK A A~2D$(DT$1IDPjZYDT$$D$$H51*DT$ DT$6HD$DT$I H D9Ptg9uDH5<1H$ 1HH"AUI TAUffTH9BHc$HcH Hk HD$#P" $PHgHD$ $D9t xuPH 9uHcH=_Hk Ld$L LLAHH,$H-ALο1H H1S1H5L eH9$uDH=1ADT$H5H=1H=|$(D$(a1DDT$H507|$/DT$H=-Kz1A<H$A9QHD$D9t xH 9uDH=1&D$(a>H5H=1H=1D؉xH=tH1H51?DT$H51"DT$H5n1DT$H5=1DT$9LH+T$H5*1H== )H51DT$rH51DT$UH=[11Ҿ HD$(a $DH517R@fD1I^HHPTE11H=#<f.H==H=H9tH<Ht H==H5=H)HH?HHHtH;HtfD==u+UH=;Ht H=8d=]wHHahHloOrsS:t:uvV1.20 20210610Version: %s %s: error at pos %d %s: expect 0,1,2,3 or 14 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFhHxX,missing device name! open error: %s: %s Report list length = %d Output response in hex:Current target port groups:0x%02x (active/optimized) (active/non optimized) (standby) (unavailable) (offline) (unknown: 0x%x)New target port groups:0x%02x Set Target Port Groups: %s sg_stpg failed: %s: array length exceeded close error: %s activehelphexofflineoptimizedrawstandbystatetpunavailableverboseversionUsage: sg_stpg [--active] [--help] [--hex] [--offline] [--optimized] [--raw] [--standby] [--state=S,S...] [--tp=P,P...] [--unavailable] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE where: --active|-a set asymm. access state to active/non-optimized --help|-h print out usage message --hex|-H print out report response in hex, then exit --offline|-l|-O set asymm. access state to offline, takes relative target port id, rather than target port group id --optimized|-o set asymm. access state to active/optimized --raw|-r output report response in binary to stdout, then exit --standby|-s set asymm. access state to standby --state=S,S.. |-S S,S... list of states (values or acronyms) --tp=P,P.. |-t P,P... list of target port group identifiers, or relative target port identifiers --unavailable|-u set asymm. access state to unavailable --verbose|-v increase verbosity --version|-V print version string and exit Performs a SCSI SET TARGET PORT GROUPS command unrecognised option code 0x%x ?? Unexpected extra argument: %s Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action 0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFhHnNoOsSuUxX,%s: expected 'ao', 'an', 'o', 's' or 'u' at pos %d either use individual state option or '--state=' but not both 'state=' list longer than expected target port list given but no state indicated 'state=' and '--tp=' lists mismatched invalid VPD response; probably a STANDARD INQUIRY response First 32 bytes of bad response response length too long: %d > %d VPD page error: designator length longer than remaining response length=%d << expected binary code_set, target port association, length 4>> VPD page error: no target port group information Device is at port Group 0x%02x, relative port 0x%02x <